SmarterMail 5 beta testing

Discussion in 'Email' started by wisemx, Jan 18, 2008.

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  1. I'm all for it, would even help test some API goodies for you guys. [​IMG]
  2. mjp


    We are considering whetherwe shouldtake part in a beta test foran upcoming new SmarterMail release (SmarterMail 5).

    We realize that many of you only migrated recently and not be interested in a beta test (I can already hear a lot of you saying, "I still don't know everything about the current version!"), but we also know that many of you are already familiar with SmarterMail after having used it elsewhere.

    So if it is something that you think you may be interested in, feel free to chime in here. We may also invite a segment of our usersvia email, butwe haven't really decided how - or if -we'll go about that yet.

    So this is just a trial balloon, you might say.

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