Smartmail is a big improvement

Discussion in 'Email' started by binaryairco, Sep 14, 2007.

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  1. Much faster web based client and it looks good with a ton of new features. Nice upgrade guys.

  2. I am not convinced that the new smartmail is faster.
    Having sente some mails from and to the my email after migration, mails took some time (5min to some hours to reach in/outgoing mail). Is it still in beta version?

    The lack of migration for content and contacts is also a mess. No, no, no, I have expected better!!![​IMG]

  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  4. Lyle, what are you basing those judgements on?

    Personally I'm very excited that DASP added the new .NET mail system.
    I've had multiple accounts with them that had the old mail system.

    Kudos to DASP for making the switch to SmarterMail. [​IMG]
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Hey Mark, long time no see. welcome back!!

    Lyle: i have to disagree w/ you. We have so many problems with SquirrelMail on the system side.Itjust wouldn't scale at all.Even if weweren't goint to SmarterMail, we were going to abandon Squirrel in favor of @Mail.

    > I find it very disappointing that DiscountAsp requires the user to accept responsibility for the transfer of server-saved e-mail from SquirrelMail to SmarterMail. Inevitably, some users will lose some important e-mail as a result of this.

    This is not entirely true. We are working on a tool to migrate all existing email to SmarterMail. We were doing voluntary migration earlier for customers who wants to take advantage of the new system. We will be migrating customer's mail box data with the mandatory migration.


  6. Squirrel Mail works all the time; SmarterMail has often failed. (I have one account on each).

    Squirrel Mail is simple and straightforward. SmarterMail is glitzy.

    Squirrel Mail is mature. It does everything it claims to do well. SmarterMail still needs a lot of work.

    SquirrelMail used with Outlook, or Thunderbird and Lightning gives me a much stronger email capability than SmarterMail.

    I find it very disappointing that DiscountAsp requires the user to accept responsibility for the transfer of server-saved e-mail from SquirrelMail to SmarterMail. Inevitably, some users will lose some important e-mail as a result of this.

    SmarterMails Sync is great. But who wants to use a clumsy calendar just for the sync?

    Colour me very unhappy.
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