smtp mail problems

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by olepadre, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. I know this is a reoccurring issue, but I am requesting help as well.

    Here is the Code (behind) for a simple form: The web.config file settings are following. I am not sure how to access the web.config settings. that is why the information is duplicated. I know there is an easier way

  2. Thank you for the example, however, the discountasp host STILL does not send email. I have setup exactly as suggested on both code and web.config file.

    I am now at a loss. I guess I will open a ticket with Discoutasp to figure it out. Thanks anyway
  3. No problem.
    If you don't get it working and need my help just ask.
    The file by the way is the same Contact page working on several DASP servers.
    Including the one in that folder, if you backup to the /contact/ page it'slive and working.
  5. Silly me forgot to call the "onClick" event for the button. Thanks for all the help.[​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. What does your button control look like on the ASPX page?


  7. You shouldn't set the PostBackUrl to thankyou.aspx, which I assume is not the same page. So your button click function will never run, and will go to the thank you page right away.



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