Solution on hold due to a technical issue

Discussion in 'Classic ASP' started by pingrico, Oct 18, 2005.

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  1. I could use some feedback on a situation I've run into. Directional feedback I guess.

    I have a classic ASP site that runs great, however, the core functionality of the site is encapsulated in 2 VB 6.0 compiled dlls that are instanciated in the site's ASP pages.

    I know this is a topic that's been raised before, and I know I can't register these custom components on discountasp servers, so here's my delima:

    - I plan on rewriting the site in ASP.NET then convert the two dlls to VB.NET as my familiarity with the .NET development environment increases.

    - I have the source code for my two dlls, but I am not competent enough yet in VB.NET to fully understand how to rewrite them in that environment, and even if I was, I'm not familiar enough with how to invoke them where I need them just yet.

    - offers 4 .NET components from Advanced Intellect (aspNetEmail, aspNetPOP3, aspNetMime, aspNetMX), but does not currently offer the component from that company that I need - aspNetDNS (specifically, I need the ping & traceroute functionality, which are encapsulated in my two VB6.0 dlls

    So, what I have is a site that functions great (db, user control, etc) but is currently crippled.

    I'm experienced with ASP website development as well as component development under VB6.0, but not as familiar with .NET. I've hit the books and I'm picking it all up, but not at a pace that will resolve my technical issue anytime soon.

    I've considered posting my class code for both dlls, but I was hoping not to just give the work away..

    See the delima?

    Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated,
  2. some helpful resources

    - PRB: Cannot Expand "My Computer" in Component Services MMC Snap-In:
    - The famous 'Class not registered':
    - Migrating from ASP?:
    - Ten Code Conversions for VBA, Visual Basic .NET, and C#:
    - Some C# reference:

    things are becoming clearer
  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Let me make sure I understand you, do you want to use ASPNetDNS/ASPNetTraceroute on your site and need some sample code?


  4. I would like to use the aspNetDNS component in my site, yes. It contains the ping and traceroute functionality I need.

    The componentisn't one of thecomponents from AdvancedIntellect that DiscountASP makes availablethough from what I couldtell - if it is,please let me know. That would be terrific and would solve my only remainingtechnical issue.

    A source code example on howto call the componentisn't necessary.I've studied and usedtheir demo and source examples. It's very straight forward.

    Thanks for replying,
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    ok.. we do not have these component installed on the server.

    ASPNETDNS is a native .NET component which you can purchase and upload into your bin directory. It should not need any server side registration.

    Advanced Intellect can provide you with the sample code.


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