They get: This sender failed our fraud detection checks and may not be who they appear to be. Is there anything I can do in my code to prevent this? This is the section of the code where I send: EmailBody = myStr.ToString Dim MailFrom As New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(EmailFrom) Dim MailMsg As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage() Dim av1 As AlternateView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(myStr.ToString, Nothing, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Html) av1.LinkedResources.Add(myLogo) MailMsg.AlternateViews.Add(av1) MailMsg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.Default MailMsg.To.Add(EmailTo) MailMsg.From = MailFrom MailMsg.Bcc.Add(EmailBCC) MailMsg.Subject = EmailSubject MailMsg.Body = EmailBody MailMsg.IsBodyHtml = True 'Smtpclient to send the mail message Dim SmtpMail As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient SmtpMail.Host = "localhost" SmtpMail.Send(MailMsg)
You can update your code to use the SMTP service of our email system instead. And then add a DKIM First update your SMTP settings to use our SMTP host of the email system for your site account with us. SMTP Host: SMTP Username is the full email address of the email user you create SMTP Password is the password for that email user. Port 25 or 587 You must use SMTP authentication. Then set up a DKIM for your site account following the steps in our knowledge base article here: