SPAM control

Discussion in 'Email' started by griff, Dec 24, 2007.

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    Thank you, thank you, thank you for incorporating SPAM filtering with the new SmarterMail system. I used to get hundreds of SPAM a day and now just get a handful, and 90% of them are tagged as SPAM in the subject line. Makes it very easy to delete.

    Keep up the good work.
  2. mjp


    Glad youare enjoyingSmarterMail.

    For the record though, Mail V2 did (and does, for those still on it) have spam filtering as well, and uses basically the same RBL lists, etc. as SmarterMail.What it doesn't have -and what you are likely seeing the effect of in SmarterMail - is greylisting. When we began testing SmarterMail we found that greylisting reduced spam by 80to 90%.

  3. In regards to SPAM, I am finding that emails coming from SmartMail/my discountASP account are regularly showing up as spam in my intended recipients mailboxes. The large quantities of recipients this is happening to suggests it is more than their personal spam setting. Anybody else experiencing these problems or know how to fix?
  4. I'm not sure but it looks like some of them come through dotnetplayground and that gets caught as possible spam.
    It happens in Outlook 2007 from my own account but not from another account I created here, both with SmarterMail.
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    This all depend on the how the target mail server's spam filtering is configured. I recommend you take a peek at the email header, most spam filtering system will put some sort of spam score in the message which can give you an idea of what the problem may be (it could be email content, reverse dns, spf, etc...)


  6. This most definitely seems as if it goes beyond the receiving parties email filtering settings. I have been test sending email to gmail, with very low spam filter settings and have had to switch to using gmail to get BUSINESS emails to show up in the recipients INBOX. Perhaps it is DOTNETPLAYGROUND? Who knows, but in any case this is a HUGE issues for anyone who wants to seriously consider using DiscountASP as host for domains/email servers.

    Has anyone experienced similar problems??? How have you fixed the issue? DiscountASP has provided no insight on this issue, I need yours. Thanks
  7. mjp


    We can't really provide any insight without any details. Troubleshooting mail delivery issues is not simple, so we need as much information as possible, and that includes headers of messages tagged as spam, bounce messages and headers, etc.

    I would recommend though, opening a support ticket if you are going to send headers. Don't post them in the forum.

    Another system tagging mail as spam could be due to so many different reasons thatit is futile toeven hazard a guess, which is why we need to see the data.

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