Spam Filtering

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by void, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. First, we're rather satisfied with DiscountASP services for more than a year, and recently moved our production web-site to it.
    The only thing we're suffering from now is how the DASP mail servers implemet spam protection.
    I've noticed that EMAIL FEATURES page of DASP contains the 'Spam Blocking' item. But as far as I know the only thing that it implements is filtering using blocked sender IPs. This does not sound very good. I've looked through community site and found nothing promising for the issue.

    Anyway the forum contains some comments from DASP team dating back to the beginning of 2005:

    ... and this year:

    Could you please provide more details on what are main improvements for your email server? Do you have any scheduled date for when it is completed? What about new antispam capabilities?

    P.S. We've used to work with SpamAssasin solution at previous location. And it was very effective. It may simply rank every page, and add some header to the message source, thus a mail client can be adjusted to filter messages when its SPAM rank is over some limit.

    Post Edited (Evgeny) : 4/2/2006 2:54:00 PM GMT
  2. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Deployment plans are in place and we will begin live testing this week. Migration will most likely commence later this month.

    Initial deployment will not include content filtering. Once we have migrated to the new system, we will be able to roll out new email features faster in a scalable way.

    We know that this project has taken a while and there were some delays. We are not going to be just adding another mail server. This will be a highly clustered scalable email system.

    We will be making announcements in the near future.

  3. irrefragable answer :)
  4. irrefragable. great word :)

    You have to understand, we can't deliver an exact date on any product launches because if we are unable to deliver on that date, we are either forced to launch a half-ready product or miss a deadline (which everyone hates).

    Providing a launch date can also be negative when our product is ready _before_ the date provided, we'd be forced to hold the finished product until the launch date.

    Our current launch strategy is ASAP. When things are 100% tested and we are confident in our product we will launch. There will be a notification shortly before launch.

    All I can say is soon.

    Joel Thoms
  5. Is there any progress on these items?
  6. We are now a month on down the road, and no update... Not very promising...

    Can you please let us know what you are implementing (software package, hardware.. etc)

  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We are testing a number of solutions like Ironport, spam assassin, etc.

    With the number of domains we host, we do not want to make a hasty decision and install something not completely satisfying.


  8. Sounds promising. Again =)
  9. Hi all,

    I've been suffering from increasing amount of spam (about 90% of all email). And waiting for DASP staff to do something antispam-effective for years (yes, years). No luck, only promises :(.

    Now it seems that I've found a good solution for spam filtering.

    I was googling around, and found an inetersting info. Google and Microsoft is offering email hosting for custom domains.
    There're two links: and (Microsoft).

    I've tried both services and looks like Gmail has much more functionality and stability that Microsoft solution.
    So you have 2GB Gmail accounts (+ Google Talk + Calendar + other nice stuff is comming) and administrator CP to create users, email lists and so on. And everything works under your domain here. The only thing you have to change is MX record of DNS to point to google's one.
    Very good solution for small business. Very nice webmail interface.

    I was using simple email for years and I can say it has pretty good antispam capabilities. I've been using a huge number of email acounts from public services and private companies that use different antispam software. I do not know what Google uses for spam filtering, but it works like a magic. It is the best I've ever seen.

    Now I'm testing gmail hosted email using one of my unused domains. I'm rather satisfied and seem to switch our production email acounts to it from DASP servers soon.

    P.S. Unfortunatelly, DASP email still has 10Mb space per account and has no effective antispam solution. DASP antivirus is not very effective also, sometimes I receive virus alerts from my antivirus software when downloading email via POP3.
    This is a weak place of DASP. I hope DASP guys will solve all the problems, and we can switch back to DASP email servers.

    P.P.S. Gmail also has secure SMTP and POP3 access. And secure HTTPS for webmail browsing. Nothing of that at DASP :(

    ASP.NET TreeView

    Post Edited (Evgeny) : 7/29/2006 10:35:10 AM GMT
  10. I've found that no matter what I use, I still get a lot of spam. Currently I have to use to filter out my spam. Some still gets through, but when you get 6k+ spams a day,1 or2 are bound to get through.

    Joel Thoms
  11. Unfortunatelly we cannot use the spamarrest services.
    So we need to deal with spam ourselves. In this case 6k and 1k spam messages is a large difference.

    I've been testing gmail for a week. Its antispam filters about 90-95% of spam I receive, still no valid messages were filtered.

    ASP.NET TreeView
  12. I've had the opposite result with gmail. I'd say about 5% of the messages filtered by gmail were valid messages.
  13. I agree with that. GMail is very good but the odd spam gets through and the odd valid mail gets placed in the spam folder.
    But then I've yet to hear of any spam filtering service that is 100% reliable.
  14. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I have a really old email account (about 10 yrs) that gets about 400 spam every day.

    I personally tested out at least 5 spam filtering software throughout the yearand either they don't block much spam or their false positive rate is way too high. I abandon them all because I rather delete the spam from my Inbox than going through the Spam folder looking for legit email.

    I later on found Spamarrest which uses a challenge and response system and this one works really well for me. It cut almost 99% of all spam. The downside.. it is not free.

    If you get a lot of spam, i suggest you give this one a try.


  15. mjp


  16. Yes, you're absolutely right.

    ASP.NET TreeView

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