SpamExperts Quarantine Search Criteria Operators

Discussion in 'Email' started by vbphil, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. vbphil

    vbphil Guest

    I check my spam quarantine daily in SpamExperts and then purge. Very seldom do I find legitimate emails and most of the mail has Viagra, Cialis, Levitra or ED in the subject line. I'd like to search the queue for those terms with one filter to do a bulk remove on them but it appears search operators are not allowed. For now I have to search for each one individually which takes more time. The Archive log does allow operators according to the user's manual.

    For the Archive Log they have this in the manual .....

    It may be ‘all’, ‘any’, ‘Boolean’ or ‘phrase’. The Boolean mode allows the ‘&’ (and), ‘|’ (or), ‘-’ ‘!’ (not) operators and grouping ‘(’ and ‘)’ to be used in the query.

    Are search operators allowed in the Subject search on the Spam Quarantine log?

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