SQL Database Backup Application (Command Line) UPDATED

Discussion in 'Control Panel API' started by krmzbbr, Mar 17, 2009.

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  1. Database Backup Tool Sample Application

    I created an application to create scheduled backups of SQL 2005 databases.

    UPDATE:I basically recreated the whole application:

    UPDATE 2:Updated to work with the latest API. Also, file is downloaded through ftp now ("_database" folder is not accessible through http i think)

    -It connects to your site and checks for an existing backup. If a backup exists, checks the timestamp on the file and if it's current, it downloads the backup. If it's old backup it deletes the backup. (Backup call doesn't work if you already have backup in your root folder)
    -Request an sync backup request using the API
    -Connects to your site and downloads the backup and saves it with a date stamp (ie 10_24_2007_SQL2005_XXXXXX_XXXX.bak).
    -It also supports logging now.

    All you need to do is to put the API key, database name, domain name, ftp user name and ftp password in config file. Make sure that you don't run this application too often, you can only create backups every 6 hours.

    Configuration details:

    <add key='ApiKey' value='ApiKey' /> // Your Api key - required
    <add key='DatabaseName' value='DatabaseName' /> // Database name - required
    <add key='Domain' value='mydomain.com' /> // Domain name - required, (do not use www or ftp)
    <add key='FtpUsername' value='FtpUsername' /> // Ftp user name - required
    <add key='FtpPassword' value='FtpPassword' /> // Ftp password - required
    <add key='BackupLocation' value='C:\Backup\' />// Backup location - optional

    Source code is also attached.

    Application - desertrose.net/downloads/DiscountAspSqlBackup_Exe.zip
    Application & Source - desertrose.net/downloads/DiscountAspSqlBackup_Source.zip

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    very cool... thanks.
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