SQL Membership Provider - getting started?

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by atof, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. The good news: I had no problem getting my ASP.NET pages to work with my (DASP) SQL server -- my first test gridview worked just fine the first time. But..... I am struggling getting the role based security environment set up. Yes, Ive read the 'How to configure ASP.NET Membership' support article, but frankly, it seems to be a bit light on details. If I follow it step by step, I end up with a 'could not locate schema'-type error message.

    I've set up an ASP.NET membership environment before in a local network, but I'm somehow missing a step. My SQL membership files are not appearing in my table directory, and no matter what, I can't seem to get to first base.

    Has anybody gone through this before? What'e the secret!?

    Many thanks from a newbie.....
  2. Hi,
    This is one of the biggies. (Comes up a lot here, sometimes hard to diagnose, etc.)
    The way you created the roles was with your local Express SQL Server?
    Then you used the Attach feature?
    Step me through how you did it and I'll do my best for ya. ;-)
    All the best,
  3. MAYBE I got it to work....??

    I tried again -- I followed the support forum notes TO THE LETTER(!), substituting the DASP server info as appropriate. I created a few roles and a few users, and then I uploaded everything using Filezilla. To my amazement, this time I see the tables listed which I was expecting to see! OMG!!

    But while I have you 'on the line' -- is the Website Admin tool desgined to be used exclusively on local files?

    My very sincere thanks for your quick response and offer of support. That is very reassuring and VERY much appreciated!!!
  4. Hi,
    Always glad to help.
    The Website Admin tool?
    Referring to your Control Panel SQL section? If so, it has features for your remote SQL Server addon and tools to bring files into it from your local SQL Server.
    I created a webcast showing how to bypass all these steps by doing the roles from a local command prompt. That is my preferred method since you are workign directly with your remote SQL Server and not your local SQL Server.
    There's more than one way to do all of this but this method is cleaner if you don't mind working from a command prompt:

    I'll be updating that to the newer server methods soon, I hope.
    My kids go back to school tomorrow and I'll have some time to work. :)
    All the best,

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