SQL Server 2000 Connectivity Error - Timeout Expired

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by mdanielski, Jul 31, 2005.

  1. I am trying to make my first connection to my Beta 2 hosting site SQL Server database. As you might expect, all database connectivity works just fine on my local machine, but is erroring out remotely. The error I get is: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

    Here is my web.config file key that the ADO.NET code is using: <add key="connectionString" value="Password=(thepassword);Persist Security Info=True;User ID=(the user name);Initial Catalog=(my db name);Data Source=mssql02.discountasp.net" />

    I am actually able to open and work with the database using Enterprise Manager, so I know that the credentials are correct.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance....
  2. Nevermind. Got it. It was the Profile database connection string that is stored in the machine.config file that was causing the problem in the end.. not the connection string that I posted here. Oh well, something learned in the end anyway :)


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