SQL Server 2005 Express inquiry

Discussion in 'Databases' started by Takeshi Eto, Apr 8, 2007.

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  1. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We do not support SQL Express on our hosting platform, as SQL Express is not suitable for a shared hosting platform. You can develop with SQL Express on your own computer, but we do not support SQL Express on our hosting platform. For a live site on our shared hosting platform, you will need to use SQL 2005 database. We offer SQL 2005 as an addon. You can add SQL 2005 via your control panel. We also offer an automated Attach MDF File tool in the control panel to facilitate the transfer of your local SQL Express database to the live SQL 2005 database.

  2. [​IMG]

    Thank you very much for your informative answer. Now I have a follow-up question. I would like to know what I need in order to implement my own SQL database on my discountasp.net server space, that is, what is the minimum requirement for my own version of SQL 2005 server in order to be compatible with the discountasp.net hosting environment? </o:p>
    I understand that there exist the following versions of SQL 2005 server, unless I am incorrectly informed:</o:p>
    Express edition</o:p>
    Developer edition</o:p>
    Compact edition</o:p>
    Workgroup edition</o:p>
    Standard edition</o:p>
    <st1:City><st1:place>Enterprise edition</o:p>
    Which ones of the SQL server editions listed above, if any, could be used in order to create databases that would function correctly on my discountasp.net server space, independently of the SQL 2005 database provided by discountasp.net? I am here assuming that I wouldn't have to subscribe to a SQL Server 2005 database from discountasp.net; it would simply be possible for me to publish/export it to a sub web of my website. </o:p>
    For example, assuming that I used the Standard edition of SQL server, would it be possible for me to implement a SQL Server 2005 database in a subweb in the following way:</o:p>
    www.MyWebSite.com/SQLServerDB (Here I would store my SQL Server 2005 database, NOT SQL Express though)</o:p>
    www.MyWebSite.com/MyWebApp (In this subweb I would store my web application connected to the database above in www.MyWebSite.com/SQLServerDB)</o:p>
    Thanks to your previous information, I completely understand now that SQL 2005 Express cannot be used this way, but I would highly appreciate information regarding compatibility with the other SQL 2005 Server editions listed above (Compact, Workgroup, Standard edition etc)?</o:p>
  3. As you know, there is a light version of SQL 2005 Server, that is, SQL 2005 Server Express. Currently, I subscribe to a SQL 2005 Server, provided by discountasp.net and it works fine.
    However, I just wanted to know if it would be possible for me to use an SQL Server 2005 Express database on my discountasp.net server space, instead of the SQL Server 2005 database. (I currently use a SQL Server 2005 database provided by discountasp.net and, true, it works fine, but I would like some other options as well)
    The reason I ask this question is that I have tried (a lot) but failed to implement SQL Express databases on my discountasp.net server space. When I published my web application to my discountasp.net server space, including a SQL Server 2005 Express database as a part of the same application, it didn?t work, although it worked fine when I was testing the application using Visual Studio Development Server.
    I understand that SQL Server 2005 Express doesn?t allow network connections or remote connections by default. Does this also mean that SQL Server 2005 Express, by default, cannot be used at the remote discountasp.net website?
    When I try to establish remote connections to my SQL Express database I receive errors such as:

    Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.

    I see that certain actions need to be taken in order to enable remote connections to SQL Server 2005 Express databases, such as enabling remote connections using SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration tool. But doesn?t this type of action rather apply to a situation where I keep the SQL database on my local computer than on my discountasp.net server space? If I would choose to keep the SQL Server 2005 Express database on my own computer, this would mean that it wouldn?t be accessible when my computer is turned off, and this is of course not acceptable for me. I need My SQL Express database on a remote location, in the same manner as my current SQL Server 2005 database that is provided by discountasp.net.

    Ideally, I would like to have my SQL 2005 Express database in a subweb of my webspace, thus being unchanged whenever I publish my website. It would look something like
    www.MyWebSite.com/SQL2005Express (here I would like to store my SQL 2005 Express database).
    www.MyWebSite.com/MyWebApp (here I would store my web application)

    Please, indulge me by giving me some idea how to implement SQL Server Express databases on my remote discountasp.net Server. Techical details on how to resolve this issue are highly appreciated.
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff


    I think you are a little confused on the relationship between your web application and SQL server.

    In general, your asp.net application can connect to any SQL server (be it Express or Enterprise) by simply changing the connection string. All the version of SQL servers create the same format of the database file.

    If you are looking to create a development environment, I highly recommend you use SQL Developer Edition rather than SQL express. Developer edition works very similiar to the standard edition of SQL.


  5. [​IMG]

    I believe I have enough information now to answer my own question. I put a similar question to discountasp.net support service and I would like to quote their reply here since I believe that this is somethingof general interest.

    I appreciate the detailed information from discountasp.net on this matter, since this is something I have been thinking about for a long time.

  6. I am sorry, but I really don?t understand what you mean by saying that I am little confused on the relationship between my web application and SQL server. As far as I was concerned the matter was completely resolved before you sent your last message.
    On http://support.microsoft.com/kb/914277 it says:</o:p>
    ?By default, SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition do not allow remote connections.?</o:p>
    What you are saying is:</o:p>
    ?your asp.net application can connect to any SQL server (be it Express or <st1:City><st1:place>Enterprise) by simply changing the connection string?</o:p>
    This is simply not true unlessI change the connection string to another remote SQL Express/Developer database, located on a different SQL server, that is configured so as to support connections to SQL Server Express which isn't possible by default. </o:p>
    Forum moderator Eric previously said onthis thread:

    I understand that I may use SQL Express and SQL Development Server in order to create a development environment. However, in order to enable remote connections for those databases, I need to complete a number of steps, since these editions don't allow remote connections by default. </o:p>
    On http://support.microsoft.com/kb/914277it is described how to Enable remote connections for SQL Server 2005 Express or SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition using the Server Surface Area Configuration Tool, and by creating exceptions in Windows firewall. But even if I enable my local SQL Server Express database to allow remote connections, this would mean that the connection string on my remote discountasp.net website would refer to my local computer, and I am definitely not interested to host my own SQL 2005 Server onmy local computer. I don't know for sure if there exists any shared hosting platforms with SQL 2005 Server Express or SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition services enabled. As far as I understand, and according to the information I have received from discoundasp.net support, SQL Express is designed for desktop database development purposes and is not suitable for a shared hosting environments. </o:p>
    Best Regards</o:p>
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    That what I was say, ASP.NET should be able to connect to any version of SQL BUT you have to change the connection string.

    If you build your database locally w/ any version of SQL2k5, you should be able to attach it to our SQL 2005 server.


  8. Ziper...It does appear you are somewhat confused by the remote and local connections but I hope we can clear that up for you.

    What Bruce pointed out is true and simple.

    When using Visual Studio for DASP accounts I only connect to the remote SQL 2005 DB Server.
    Locally I make changes to my SQL 2005 server and use it to connect to the remote server to publish those changes.

    My web.config connections never point to the local DB server, and I only use the remote conns in VS solutions.

    This way you are working with live data locally and remote, and it saves a few headaches.

    If you need help with your web.config let us know...
  9. [​IMG]

    I really believe that this issue has been resolved, at least as far as I am concerned. Maybe my language has been inadequate though, giving the false impression of utmost confusion. I appreciate all assistance. Thank you very much. I may need some more help later on, but I definitely don't need any further help on this matter. My website connects fine to my remote DASP DB, and whenever I need to transfer data from a local DB, I simply use SQL 2005 Attach tool in control panel. Could it be more simple?


  10. I believe the Attach tool is the most convenient way to upload (attach) your DB to the DASP server.


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