SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by wisemx, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. What does DASP think about adding that as a control panel feature?
    i.e. Default instances of starter kits, profiles, etc.

    Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.0 Release Candidate

    The SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard provides a way to publish databases to T-SQL scripts or directly to supporting hosting service providers.

    File Name: Database Publishing Wizard 1.0 RC.msi
    Version: RC
    Date Published: 12/19/2006
    Language: English
    Download Size: 2.3 MB
  2. You can certainly use the Database Publishing Wizard however we cannot provide full technical support for it. We do have our SQL Management Tool with the hosting control panel for our customer. This tool is to help load and backup their discountasp databases.
  3. Thanks for the response Raymond.

    I have to admit, I was waiting for Bruce to respond to that, knowing he's been keeping an eye on the SQL team developments.

    Let's chat about this a bit. . .

    For many of the DASP customers the SQL suite is handy, very true.

    It's even something I've been telling others about, others meaning those who are looking for new hosts.

    However for developers with the full versions of SQL Server 2005 I believe the new host tools would be very handy.

    For any operations I can think of it's simple enough to open tools locally; Don't you think? [​IMG]


    Mark Wisecarver
  4. PRB


    I have accounts at multiple web hosts and I try and keep an eye on all public forums that are avaliable. I saw last week that CrystalTech is looking at implimenting this as an option. Why wouldn't DASP? Looks pretty simple to impliment as long as you're using 2.0 frame work, right?
  5. Yep, I still have accounts at Interland/web.com that I'm trying to move here and wanted to see DASP add this as a feature.

    Why? To boost DASP of course. I'm a big fan of the services here.

    Interland/Web.com offers that for the asp.net Starter Kits.

    You pick the SK you want to install, then fill in the DB info, click and it's done for you in just a few minutes.

    Wouldn't that tickle a lot of the customers here? [​IMG]

    All the best,

    Mark Wisecarver
  6. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We've been talking about such tool for the last 2 years but never got around to build it. The primary reason is that MS has made application deployment much simplier w/ VWD.

    We'll reconsider this feature in the near future.

    Thank you all for your suggestions.


  7. You're always very positive Bruce...Thanks a lot bro. [​IMG]
  8. PRB



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