SSL Help

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by jzahoor, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. Goal:
    1. Unique URL per client, using subdomains
    2. Customized Look per URL (client's logo, welcome message, etc on the login page)
    3. SSL Security enabled on some or all of the subdomain URLs

    We're trying to setup our site such that we can assign unique urls to our clients. For example, we can issue to a client such that when they go to that URL, they will see a page with their Logo and a login screen that looks custom to them. We should be able to achieve goals 1 and 2 using this method by programmatically showing objects based on the requested URL.

    The help needed is in goal 3. I've reviewed both GeoTrust and Verisign as DASP-recommended vendors for SSL certificates. If I purchase QuickSSL from GeoTrust, would that let me show the pad-lock sign, their SiteSeal and be secure on every subdomain that I have from DASP?

    GeoTrust seemed to be more economical compared to Verisign but I'm open to suggestions in order to meet the 3 goals above.


  2. Goal 1 & 2 are very easy to do on with the unlimited subdomain addon.

    Goal #3 will require you to have a wildcard cert. You'll want to research wildcard certs a bit, as I'm not that familiar with them. You might run into compatibility issues with a wildcard cert.

    Joel Thoms
  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    we have seen some customers installing wild card cert on our server w/o problem.



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