tabstrip component loads slowly

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by Eric Fettman, May 17, 2006.

  1. Hi, Folks --

    I am using a third-party tabstrip component in the site that I'm developing. It's loading slowly on initial access and refresh, but not when I navigate to another page that uses the same component (from the same master page). If have set output caching on the page, and I have set compliation debug="false" in web.config.

    If I disable Javascript in my browser, the page loads very quickly, so it doesn't seem to be a general latency issue.

    Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

  2. I see some JavaScript problems on your site. Bring up the JavaScript Console in Firefox, then load your page and you will see where the JavaScript errors occur.


  3. Thanks - I removed a reference to a .js file that I was no longer using (and that was unrelated to the tabstrip). I don't have any more Javascript errors, but the tabstrip is still loading slowly.
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    i pulled up your site and didn't see any latency.. is it disabled now?

    BTW, i used firefox to pull up your site, the left nav is overlapping w/ the bottom links. You should check it out.


  5. Thanks, Bruce. Do the two controls reappear quickly even when you refresh the page?

    I noticed the overlap issue in Firefox as well - I'm less concerned about that than the latency since I should be able to force a table height if I need to.
  6. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    yes.. no latency was experience even when i reload.


  7. Thanks, Bruce. I'm still puzzled. There is latency from my office computer, my home computer, and on my colleague's computer in Australia - but only when the menu controls appear in the page. Once I remove them (or even disable Javascript on the browser end), everything loads quickly. Could it be CPU issue? Could you computer just be interpreting the Javascript faster?
  8. How slow are we talking about? more than 5 seconds?

    Internet Explorer can sometimes run JavaScript slower, but I teste in both Firefox and IE and did not see a noticable difference in initial loading and refresh time, which is about 2-3 seconds.


  9. Just about 5 seconds in IE.
  10. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    i think you probably have a slower computer. Java script is sent as plain text (very low overhead) from the server and is interpret by the browser.


  11. Are you experiencing no delay at all? I've had a significant delay on every machine that I've tried, including the fastest one in the office - please see the e-mail below from my IT director:


    You ran the page refresh test on the following machine:

    Lenovo Thinkpad T60

    Intel Duo Core 2.0 Ghz CPU

    1GB RAM

    100GB Hard Disk - 7200RPM - more than 85GB available

    The machine was just unboxed yesterday.

    The network is a 100MB Ethernet, running on a 3Com Super Stack Series 3300 switch.

    The Router is a Cisco series 2610,, connected via full T-1.

    Given the specifications above, and the fact that other web page refreshes are running at under 3 seconds, it's unlikely the bottleneck is within our network.

  12. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    At least 2 of us tried it (me and aris), no delay whatsoever!

    Do you know how big is the javascript code?? May be it's so big that the latency is caused by the downloading.

    May be do a view source..


  13. Hi, Bruce --

    Thanks for looking at this again. I'm happy to know that the page is loading fast for you.

    The component vendor provided some client-side Javascripts that are designed to save some server processing time. They have helped a little bit on initial page load, and the refreshes are much faster. I think I can live with this.

  14. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

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