The pending death of PHP 4

Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by Rockfang, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. Below is an article I just read. How will this news affect and its users?

    <A id=2007-07-13-1 name=2007-07-13-1>
    PHP 4 end of life announcement</A>

    Today it is exactly three years ago since PHP 5 has been released. In those three years it has seen many improvements over PHP 4. PHP 5 is fast, stable &amp; production-ready and as PHP 6 is on the way, PHP 4 will be discontinued.

    The PHP development team hereby announces that support for PHP 4 will continue until the end of this year only. After 2007-12-31 there will be no more releases of PHP 4.4. We will continue to make critical security fixes available on a case-by-case basis until 2008-08-08. Please use the rest of this year to make your application suitable to run on PHP 5.

    For documentation on migration for PHP 4 to PHP 5, we would like to point you to our migration guide. There is additional information available in the PHP 5.0 to PHP 5.1 and PHP 5.1 to PHP 5.2 migration guides as well.
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  3. :) Thanks for the response. But I was wondering how this will affect your organization and your users?
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I do not have an official answer for this. We will probably continue to offer PHP 4.1 until the time PHP discontinue support for 4.x.


  5. When might you know an "official' answer.

    I have a client that is using vBulletin (php) and I was thinking about moving them over to discountasp but if you are not goign to continue support for php then i probably will have to find a different host. No big deal, but it would be helpful to know if your not going t o continue with php over time.


  6. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We are discussing this issue and we will let our customers know what is going on as soon as we have an official plan.

    http://www.DiscountASP.NET - Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
    - asp.netPRO Magazine 2007 Readers' Choice Award for Best ASP.NET Hosting Service
    - Visual Studio Magazine 2007 Readers' Choice Award for Best .NET Hosting Service
  7. Great, can't wait to hear the decision.


  8. So are there any official plans to upgrade PHP from 4 to 5?

    It is not just case of hunting for version number. The real necessity comes from the fact that today more and more PHP software rely on PHP5.

    Also, are you going to provide ImageMagic support in PHP? It is often an essential part of PHP-based forums to resize attachments, etc.


    ASP.NET TreeView
  9. I wouldn't get your hopes up on a PHP upgrade. I have been wainitng for an answer for months now. :(
  10. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    No official planyet, but we are testing out fastCGI and php5 in our IIS7/.NET 3.5beta hosting platform.

    http://www.DiscountASP.NET - Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
    - asp.netPRO Magazine 2007 Readers' Choice Award for Best ASP.NET Hosting Service
    - Visual Studio Magazine 2007 Readers' Choice Award for Best .NET Hosting Service
  11. Sounds good. Hope to get your IIS7+PHP5 platform after IIS7 release /emoticons/smile.gif

    ASP.NET TreeView
  12. Note...
    I'm not a PHP guy but as a favor to a friend I tested the newbeta of phpBB3 here...
    It ran fine, no problems, evensetall folder options and saved me those steps.
    No other info for you other than it ran perfectly.
    (You'll need to use SQL Server 2000 or MySQL with it however, no support for SQL Server 2005)
  13. It works with SQL 2005 also.
    It requires ImageMagic to resize attached images. So far DASP doesn't support resizing.

    Also, it looks like (from phpinfo) DASP uses old php version 4.3.4.
    With Build Date Nov 2 2003 23:43:42
    Is it secure?

    ASP.NET TreeView

    Post Edited (Evgeny) : 10/18/2007 1:09:25 PM GMT
  14. You got it to work with SQL 2005?
    Was told it could only connect via ODBC and even with nudging I couldn't get it to connect.
  15. Yes, MSSQL 2007 via ODBC. Nothing extra.

    ASP.NET TreeView
  16. Good morning,

    I am hoping to create our website using Joomla which relies on MySQL and PHP. I'm ok with paying extra for MySQL but I need a very rapid response as to what (and when) your plans are for PHP support.


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