Time Zone

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by odelljl, Apr 10, 2003.

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  1. It appears that the servers at DiscountASP.Net are set to the Pacific Time Zone - at east my customers, expecting EST, are reporting their timestamps are "3 hours off".

    I'm confirming this with support now. In the mean time, how are people handling these issues in their ASP.NET applications? I've found methods to convert to Universal Time and back and can start coding, but I'm wondering what folks do.

    TIA -

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Yes. Our servers are set to PST timezone.

    There was a big thread about this same topic on the ASPNet mailing list. Below is couple messages that might be of relevence.

    Hope this helps.

    Hi Doug,

    I grab the UTCOffset using Javascript and use a hidden field to post the UTCOffset to the server when the user logs on. That way you get the user's UTCOffset rather than the server's. You can store this variable as a session variable or a cookie or something else and use it on the server side to modify the time date display sent back to the user.



    Mark Smithers
    Myoporum P/L

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Doug Wilson [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 11:06 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: [aspnet] RE: Server Time Zone

    Hi Mark

    Thanks for the response. I am building this for 3 existing applications that I've inherited and have been running for over a year now, all recording local time in the db.

    It looks like I'm going to have to first convert the current db time to UTC - then grab users UTCOffset and then display calculated converted time. Been doing a little research, and my next question is how would I grab the users UTCOffset? Won't GetUtcOffset return the server's offset?

    Doug Wilson
    Web Developer
    www.ix.co.za - www.autoworld.co.za
    304 Gateview, Sugerclose Drive, Gateway, Umhlanga
    Tel : +2731 5669250 - Fax : +2731 5669260
    Cell : 084 8000 255 - ICQ : 173155300

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mark Smithers [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: 07 April 2003 01:54
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: [aspnet] RE: Server Time Zone

    Hi Doug,

    I set all my dates and times to UTC in the db and the app as I am designing apps for a global market. That way it doesn't matter where the server is.

    I then grab the UTCOffset from the user's browser and use it to modify the display of dates and times to the client. It might be a solution for you.



    Mark Smithers
    Myoporum P/L

    quote:Originally posted by odelljl

    It appears that the servers at DiscountASP.Net are set to the Pacific Time Zone - at east my customers, expecting EST, are reporting their timestamps are "3 hours off".

    I'm confirming this with support now. In the mean time, how are people handling these issues in their ASP.NET applications? I've found methods to convert to Universal Time and back and can start coding, but I'm wondering what folks do.

    TIA -

    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
  3. i came across this message and was really confused still.. but after 10 minutes of looking i found the way that i will handle getting the real current time for all users..

    DateTime realTime = DateTime.UtcNow + System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now);
    TestSpot.Text = realTime.ToString();

    hope this helps anyone who searches for it like me :)
  4. arg.. looks like i spoke too soon.. the 'System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone' returns the servers timezone.. not the users.. arg..

    for now i am offseting a hard coded 3 hour timespan for east coast, and i guess this will eventually be a user option.. can someone explain to me the correct way to get the user's timezone to offset with?

  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    As suggested in the earlier post, client timezone must be retrived from the client side (using Javascript or vbscript).

    I did some searching on the net and found this article that may help you


    Good luck :>

    quote:Originally posted by dazinith

    arg.. looks like i spoke too soon.. the 'System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone' returns the servers timezone.. not the users.. arg..

    for now i am offseting a hard coded 3 hour timespan for east coast, and i guess this will eventually be a user option.. can someone explain to me the correct way to get the user's timezone to offset with?

    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
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