Totally "wish list" material...

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by jdcrutchley, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. Here's something I thought would be cool...

    Alot of us here run our own test servers (or virtual servers) that we (try to) configure just like the DASP servers so things can be tested/debugged locally in a production-like environment. I even go so far as to change my local DNS to make my test server use all the same domain names and such.

    As I get ready to transition my test server to Win2K8/IIS7, I thought "hey, wouldn't it be cool if DASP had a downloadable virtual server image set up just like one of their production servers?" Obviously it couldn't be EXACTLY a production DASP server since you'd have to change passwords and other sensitive info for security reasons, but as far as any setup that would affect how an application worksit probably could be.

    Imagine downloading a server image, logging in as the premade admin on it, changing the admin password, creating your accounts via some directions provided by DASP staff on how they create accounts, and voila! you have your very own production-like instance of a server to test on! You'd never again have to worry about "is this feature supported or not" because you can just throw it in your test server image and try it out!

    Anyway, just a pie-in-the-sky wish in case any of you there has any free time and enjoy using it making virtual server images. [​IMG]
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Interesting thoughts...

    We'll discuss this in our next meeting.



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