tricky way of using API

Discussion in 'Control Panel API' started by spygood, Apr 2, 2007.

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  1. I am not a .net programmerand I'd like to add new accounts through the api. I have spent a while looking around for auto form submission scripts and there don't seem to be many.Most of my code is in classic ASP. I thought I found a great alternative in n/soft's HTTP.object but I keep getting errors that the "Specified URLScheme is invalid." I modified a few properties and still no luck. Anyone try this or something like it? [​IMG]
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Do you mean you want to add a new hosting account? or email / Windows user account?


  3. >or email / Windows user account?

    An email or Windows user account, but while you're at it... throw in the hostingaccount as well. Pardon in advance if there is a very easy way to do this via a script, I still tend toignore all RTFM warnings.[​IMG]
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  5. I already looked at this, it is a desktop application to be run locally. What I want to do iscreateaccounts on the fly,on the server,without the need for my intervention immediately. I would hope there is an easy way.
  6. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    You can pretty much use the same code in your web based application.

    Are you familiar with ASP.NET?


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