TRULY Understanding ViewState

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by wisemx, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. This is worth noting...At least download the doc's below.

    TRULY Understanding ViewState said...

    A long time ago I published one of my first blog entries, TRULY Understanding ViewState. And what an experience it has been. It was pretty popular with commenters, so much so I decided to spin off a whole series of articles, TRULY Understanding Dynamic Controlsbased on some of the issues people were asking me about.
    In the meantime, TRULY Understanding ViewState has accumulated over 250 comments! Most are questions from developers facing problems they cannot solve or architects seeking advice on how to approach a project. I've tried hard to answer each and every commenter with a meaningful answer. I have missed some, but I haven't forgotten about them -- they are still in my outlook inbox with that little red flag on them.I do enjoy helping people, and I don't expect anything in return -- but here's a reader who really gave back. Trevor Morrisonpainstakingly combed through each and every comment in TRULY Understanding ViewState, categorized and indexed them, and compiled them into a 69 page word and pdf document! I cannot even imagine how much work that was, thank you Trevor!! He even took the time to highlight key statements throughout. I remember college, and how great used books were, because usually some overachiever had already highlighted all the important parts for me.

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