unable to send mail from my website

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by vaxinator, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. i have a registration page where users register to become members. when they sign up, i sendan email to the user with further instructions to activate their membership. pretty normal stuff. anyway, whenever i try to send emails out from my site i get thefollowing error...

    "Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: <sample_email@blah.com> No such user here"

    this occurs with all valid emails that i am trying to send. here is my mail setting in the web.config...


    <smtp from=[email protected] >

    <network host="localhost" userName="" password="" />



    btw, this worked fine during development on my own server. all help will be appreciated as i have been beating my brains out for several hours.
  2. thanks for the suggestion. however, i finally got it to work this way...


    <smtp [email protected] >

    <network defaultCredentials='true' host='localhost' userName='' password='' />


  3. I'd try changing it like this:

  4. I've tried two options with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

    Options 1:


    <smtp from=[email protected]>

    <network defaultCredentials="true" host="localhost" userName="" password="" />



    Options 2:


    <smtp from=[email protected]>

    <network host="localhost" password="" userName="" />


  5. If you're trying to do an ASP.NET (2.0 or newer) Contact page like this:

    PM me with a valid e-mail address and I'll send you the code.
    I've shared that code with a lot of DASP customers.

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