Unacceptable email delays

Discussion in 'Email' started by baldridge, Feb 24, 2009.

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  1. Hello, I'm using an alias to foward mail to an email address on our exchange server. The email does get delivered. The problem is that it takes several hours to leave discountasp.net and arrive here. What can be done to speed things up?

    I have other sites hosted with other hosts and the email is delivered in seconds... using the same code and addresses.


    I know that email is a best effort delivery system blah blah... but two hours.. does the email hop to Mars and back he he
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    not aware of similar problem reported by others. I think you should open a ticket.
  3. I am experiencing long delays too

    I opened a ticket number 141-11473615-78F3 for this
  4. My emails take 20 minutes to forward...


    We just set up a new account with DASP and are hoping to use this platform for hosting a variety of business sites. I noticed a few days ago that my emails were taking 20 minutes to forward and confirmed that today with a quick test.

    I used two email addresses, one is based on my primary domain name and the other is set up on a "Domain Pointer" using the email alias feature. The email account on the primary domain is set to forward to another email that I use on another platform which typically only takes a few seconds to deliver emails to Outlook on my local box. Both test emails were sent at the same time and both arrived in my local email account on Outlook 20 minutes after sending them.

    20 minutes isn't a deal killer at this point but it does create some serious issues when we are trying to use this platform for business applications.

  5. mjp


    Email delays of that length are usually caused by greylisting. The email system itself would not typically queue up an outgoing message for anywhere near that long. There are busier times of day - typically in the early morning hours on the West coast - where mail is queued just due to volume, but again, it would be unusual for a queue to extend to 20 minutes.

    The exception to that is mail sent from server applications, as the relays from the web servers have different queuing rules and issues, and may pass through outgoing spam filtering. But just sending through the email servers, you shouldn't see a delay like that.
  6. Delayed mail

    We switched to dasp a month ago. Have had tremendous issues with delayed mail and spam filtering. Also mail is inconsistently coming to our data phones. Already reviewed everything with blackberry, all is up and functioning there, but our corporate email is sporadic. I requested a ticket, they said to go back to blackberry....Any suggestions?
  7. We also experiencing a lot of email delays on our discountasp.net email servers during different times... sometimes over an hour.
  8. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    like MJP was saying, it is most likely due to grey listing. try disabling that.
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