Hi,Recently I uploaded a web service to my ftp site(ftp://ftp.dotnetplatform.info.The web service is accessible at http://dotnetplatform.info/TranWebService/FinancialUtilSer.asmx. The web service has two web methods:"TransferMoney" and "GetAllAccountNumbers".I have got no problem invoking the first method-"TransferMoney" but I received an error message when I invoked the second method(GetAllAccountNumbers).The error message is as follows:System.Web.HttpException: Cannot execute transacted code. at System.Web.Util.Transactions.InvokeTransacted(TransactedCallback callback, TransactionOption mode, Boolean& transactionAborted) at System.Web.Util.Transactions.InvokeTransacted(TransactedCallback callback, TransactionOption mode) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.CoreProcessRequest() So I am wondering if this was the error of the web service itself or on the server side.Thanks.
are you using asp.net transaction? We do not support ASP.NET transaction our server. Bruce DiscountASP.NET www.DiscountASP.NET