Update Statements won't take variables or form control data

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by annbransom, Aug 10, 2006.

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  1. HELP!!! I am building a website which has a lot of database functionality on it. All of my select statements work and my insert statements. But for some reason I am having trouble getting my update statements to work. I've tried them on several different pages and so the common denominator is me, I just don't know what I am doing wrong. Take the sub below for example. Some of the information being passed in the Update statement comes from variables I've declared. Some of it comes straight from the text boxes on my form. If you look at "City" however, I give it an explicit value in the statement. When I click the update button, the only thing that updates is the city!!! Help! Let me know if seeing any other parts of the code would be helpful.



    Protected Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click

    Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(dbConn)

    Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand()

    Dim sqlAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter

    Dim dt As New DataTable

    Dim FileNamePartOne As String

    FileNamePartOne = LastNameTextBox.Text & "_"

    Dim FilePathConstant As String = Server.MapPath("Pics\")

    Dim file As Array = Split(FileUpload1.FileName, "\")

    Dim fi As New FileInfo("\Pics\" & FileNamePartOne & file(file.Length - 1))

    Dim FileN As String

    'fi.ToString = the path for db

    If fi.Exists Then


    End If

    If FileUpload1.FileName <> "" Then

    FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(FilePathConstant &amp; FileNamePartOne &amp; file(file.Length - 1))

    FileN = "Pics\" &amp; FileNamePartOne &amp; file(file.Length - 1)


    FileN = ""

    End If

    Dim FName As String

    FName = FirstNameTextBox.Text

    FName = Replace(FName, "'", "''")

    Dim LName As String

    LName = LastNameTextBox.Text

    LName = Replace(LName, "'", "''")

    Dim Add1 As String

    Add1 = AddressLine1TextBox.Text

    Add1 = Replace(Add1, "'", "''")

    Dim Add2 As String

    Add2 = AddressLine2TextBox.Text

    Add2 = Replace(Add2, "'", "''")

    Dim City As String

    City = CityTextBox.Text

    City = Replace(City, "'", "''")

    Dim Occ As String

    Occ = OccupationTextBox.Text

    Occ = Replace(Occ, "'", "''")

    Dim SFName As String

    SFName = SpouseFirstNameTextBox.Text

    SFName = Replace(SFName, "'", "''")

    Dim SLName As String

    SLName = SpouseLastNameTextBox.Text

    SLName = Replace(SLName, "'", "''")

    With sqlCmd

    .CommandType = CommandType.Text

    .Connection = sqlConn

    .CommandText = "UPDATE KidsKlub_Members SET FirstName= '" &amp; FName &amp; "', LastName = '" &amp; LName &amp; "', Email = '" &amp; EmailTextBox.Text &amp; "', AddressLine1 = '" &amp; Add1 &amp; "', AddressLine2 = '" &amp; Add2 &amp; "', City = 'Louisville', State = '" &amp; StateTextBox.Text &amp; "', ZipCode = '" &amp; ZipCodeTextBox.Text &amp; "', PhoneNum1 = '" &amp; PhoneNum1TextBox.Text &amp; "', PhoneNum2 = '" &amp; PhoneNum2TextBox.Text &amp; "', PhoneNum3 = '" &amp; PhoneNum3TextBox.Text &amp; "', Occupation = '" &amp; Occ &amp; "', Birthday = '" &amp; BirthdayTextBox.Text &amp; "', SpouseFirstName = '" &amp; SFName &amp; "', SpouseLastName = '" &amp; SLName &amp; "', SpouseBirthday = '" &amp; SpouseBirthdayTextBox.Text &amp; "', FamilyPicURL = '" &amp; FileN &amp; "' WHERE MemberID = " &amp; CInt(Session("PassID"))




    End With


    End Sub
  2. Ann,
    I'm not a VB expert, since I use C++ for desktop appsand C# for web apps, so I may be barking up the wrong tree here. But, I'll give it a shot...

    Are you using VB6 or .NET? Assuming you are using .NET, your Replace function calls looked fishy to me, so I googled "VB.Net replace" and came up with this article: http://www.knowdotnet.com/articles/vb6replace.html

    After reading it, I think that your replace calls are returning empty strings. To verify this, put a breakpoint (F9) in after one of the calls and see what is happening to your strings. Replace functionality has changed from VB6 to.NET, so I would try using the more recent .NET function call methodology, like this:

    Dim FName As String
    FName = FirstNameTextBox.Text
    FName = FName.Replace( "'", "''")

    Or something like that. Look up the Replace method of the .NET String class in MSDN to see more.

    Hope this helps...
  3. I tried commenting out my replace statements and that didn't fix the problem. Those replace statements work in my insert statements anyway. I am at a total loss. Thanks for the suggestions, though!

    If the variables were kicking back empty strings, wouldn't the database entry be updated with Null values?
  4. What do the strings look like after the replace statement when you debug? normal? any extra or missing characters or spaces? single quotes in the right places?
  5. I think Replace should not cause the empty string,whether the paramater to be found exists or not,your orignal string should remain as it is in the later case.As I see in your update statement ,you have already hardcoded the ' ' for each of the fields.Try not using the Replace and see if you still get an empty string?if yes,then Replace function is not the cause.


  6. I am not getting empty strings, the update is just not being made unless the value is explicitly coded. It won't take variables or information from text boxes. I tried commenting out the replace statements and it didn't help. Any other thoughts?
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