Updating Production

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by garrydawkins, Jan 20, 2004.

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  1. Ok, ok, I've been at this for all of a month and a half. I managed not to blow thing up sofar. I took a test copy of a production form and modified it to the user specifications. I'm ready to implement that update to the production environment. Is Visual Studios .NET. What would be the most effective way. I attempted to just copy the new code into the production file and build it again. Did not work. Should I copy the complete test page into production? Please advise.

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    You should use Copy Project Feature in VS.net

    See this FAQ, http://kb.discountasp.net/article.aspx?id=10002

    quote:Originally posted by garrydawkins

    Ok, ok, I've been at this for all of a month and a half. I managed not to blow thing up sofar. I took a test copy of a production form and modified it to the user specifications. I'm ready to implement that update to the production environment. Is Visual Studios .NET. What would be the most effective way. I attempted to just copy the new code into the production file and build it again. Did not work. Should I copy the complete test page into production? Please advise.

    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
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