My web developer has failed to return my calls and I need to update some text on my website which is the code seems to be pointing to a database. How do I make changes to the text due to this and how do I make changes in the database.
...If it's not going to require too much time I'll help you for free. All you need to do is send me a PM (private message) with the sites Control Panel login. If that is what you want include a note in the PM about what change you need. If you want to try this yourself I've created a Webcast for people like yourself who have lost their developer: That Webcast shows how you can make changes yourself for free. All the best, Mark
I already have your video and are able to update somethings but not the text that i wanted. It doesn't display the full code this is a sample code of one of my pages. <%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="CytekFarrier.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Cytek.CytekFarrier" %> <%@ Register TagPrefix="master" Namespace="MasterPages.Web" Assembly="Web.MasterPages" %> <%@ Register TagPrefix="master" Namespace="MasterPages.Web" Assembly="Web.MasterPages" %> <master:MasterTemplate id="master" runat="server" MasterPageFile="~/Master/DefaultMaster.ascx"></master:MasterTemplate> <master:CmsContent ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="headerBlock" Runat="server" PageId="793775bf-b14e-4128-ae43-32d9b0814150" RenderType="HTMLContent" LanguageISOCode="en"></master:CmsContent> <master:CmsContent ID="Cmscontent1" ContentPlaceHolderID="mainBlock" Runat="server" PageId="b7e14cc3-34ce-41e1-abe0-843c333641b4" RenderType="HTMLContent" LanguageISOCode="en"></master:CmsContent>d="8a46600c-fd83-4b61-830c-d88283fbb18c" RenderType="HTMLContent" LanguageISOCode="en"></master:CmsContent> </html> another issue with this page is that it isn't cross browser compatible it shows up jumbled on firefox. Does anyone have any advice please post
Sorry I'm new at that my website designer bailed on me. How would I find out if I have a content management system. This is another sample of my master page aspx code. <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title></title> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="head" runat="server"> </asp:ContentPlaceHolder> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server"> </asp:ContentPlaceHolder> </div> </form> </body> </html> This is a sample error I get when I open a page in design mode When Using VS 2010 Not Sure Why this is happening. Can anyone please help. Error Creating Control - masterValue cannot be null. Parameter name: virtualPathError Creating Control - Content1Value cannot be null. Parameter name: virtualPathError Creating Control - Cmscontent1Value cannot be null. Parameter name: virtualPathd="8a46600c-fd83-4b61-830c-d88283fbb18c" RenderType="HTMLContent" LanguageISOCode="en">
...OK, I'm not trying to be funny when I say this but it's true: We're not magicians. Developers need to actually see the system to be very helpful. From what you've posted so far my guess is the site is using a CMS that automatically mandates some features.
I'm afraid we've been here before - it wasn't that long ago: At the time I asked you to send me the source code for your website and said I'd take a look to see what is causing the layout problems. I have the complete script of the outcome of that investigation here on email (sent to you 22/10/10) but to cut a long story short, it turned out that the website is content generated, you're not in possession of the source code, the broken layout markup is contained in a compiled assembly. When I found this I advised you pursue the original developer for the source code / a solution. I think you've attempted to do that and reached a dead end in that respect so I expect the only options now are: Reverse engineer the problematic assembly and create a new one to fix the problems OR Redevelop the problematic pages from scratch Bin it all and start again fresh - which might be the best cleanest approach since with this option you'll know for sure that you're in complete control of everything contained in the site
I would just add that if you don't know whether or not your site uses a CMS, you are in way over your head and no one is going to be able to help you update, fix or otherwise change the site. I think your best bet is Joe's last suggestion: trash the existing site and start from scratch doing things that you understand. If you want to work with the existing site you need to either learn how it works (likely a very steep learning curve), or hire someone who can manage it for you. Chipping away at little bits of it like you are doing is going to end in disaster (or at the very least, an inoperative site), I can pretty much guarantee that. Not trying to be a dick, but you can't really learn everything you need to learn through forum posts.