I have a wordpress site abc.com hosted at godaddy.In one of the page,which is results page needs to be database driven.I want that page to be aspx.Is it somehow possible that when a person clicks to a link,it goes to a result.aspx page on DASP to something like abc.com/result.aspx ?
Where do i create result.aspx page?I have a site xyz.com with DASP.I want it to look like abc.com/result.aspx not xyz.com/result.aspx.
You can create it in the root. For it to look like abc.com/result.aspx, you need to add abc.com as a domain pointer. To add domain pointer service: - Log into the control panel at http://my.discountasp.net - Click "Order Add-ons" on the left hand side But these instructions won't work if abc.com is still being hosted with GoDaddy. If that's the case, you need to perform a redirect and use the URL Rewrite module to change the display of the URL.