Uploading a new site

Discussion in 'Hosting Services / Control Panel' started by PaoloTCS, Jun 12, 2008.

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  1. I have just started with DiscountASP.Net, but have worked with many other ISPs.
    I just tried to set up a site using Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.Net 3.5. Itis a SQL driven site.
    I first provisioned the sql server. Then I tested the site using the new connection string to DiscountASP.Net Sql Server. All worked fine. I then uploaded the site using VS, and it asked me if I wished to create a HTML directory, to which I said yes.
    I then uploaded the site. However, I still get the default page that I received when I signed up here, "Welcome to DicountASP.Net..." page, which is at the very root. (I see it when FTP-ing) But I can not get my default.aspx page to display. If I try to go to the HTML directory, I get errors, but If I try to display a test htm page (home.htm) it display fine.(www.junglepress.com/html/home.htm) . I feel that I am missing something quite basic here, but have no clue to what it is.

    Thanks all (and the sql server is quite fast here, congratulations)

  2. IIS is serving the "default page" which can be set in the control panel. The sites all start out with one created by DiscountASP. Since you put all of your pages in a subdirectory called "html" you'll probably need to create a default page that redirects into your home page in that directory. It would probably be better to just upload your files into the root instead of the html subdirectory then make sure that default.aspx is set as the default page in control panel.
  3. Thank you.

    I have already re-uploaded the site to the root, and get the same error. When I enter directly the "defauylt.aspx" page, I get the error which is in "Source File: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Config\machine.config Line: 160 "

    Naturally, that file is not a file that I uploaded!

    THe same exact site is running fine with another ISP's beta service (http://amockler.iis7-beta.net/). I have been waiting for a tech reply from a ticket that I submitted, but all I got was that I needed to check my connection string. The only difference between the working site and the non working site is the SQL connection string, and the DiscountASP.Net string works fine on my stging computer, here. locally.

    But thanks for the help
  4. I checked your error message, and it looks like the default setting for the ASP.NET Role Provider is looking for a connection string called "LocalSqlServer". I think you can fix your problem in one of two ways.

    The first way to fix it is to create a connection string called "LocalSqlServer".

    Second, if you're not actually using the role provider for anything, you can removethe provider using a setting in your web.config file. You'll need to put a "remove" element under the providers element for the role provider feature.

    After you fix that problem, you'll need to make sure default.aspx is the default document (you can do this from IIS Tools in the control panel). That will make sure requests for www.junglepress.com go directly to default.aspx instead of whatever file they're going to now (probably default.htm or index.htm).

    Good luck.
  5. I found the source of the error, and it has to do wiht the role provider

    Thius is what I had on my web.config:


    <roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="SqlRoleProvider">


    <add name="SqlRoleProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider" connectionStringName="MocklerConnectionString" applicationName="MembershipAndRoleProviderMockler"/>



    <!--Roles End-->


    <membership defaultProvider="SqlMembershipProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15">



    <add name="SqlMembershipProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider" connectionStringName="MocklerConnectionString" applicationName="MembershipAndRoleProviderMockler" enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="false" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false" requiresUniqueEmail="true" passwordFormat="Hashed" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0"/>



    <!--Membership End-->

    I commented out that part, and now things work. However, I do need the role providers for the site. The role provider stuff works fine on another ISP running Server 2008, and locally. (same site) Mystery!

    Well, at least the site seems zippy-ish.
  6. Paulo,

    Your role provider definitions should work fine if you put a <clear/> element before the <add> element like you have in the membership provider definition. That will clear out the default that's defined in machine.config. It's that default that was looking for a non-existent connection string that was causing your error. Once you put the <clear/> in there, it should work for you.

  7. Thank you, Jamie. The first time you replied, I did not see your answer, so I was still going on about my partialsolution. Adding the <clear/> tag worked fine. Thanks,

  8. Glad I could help. I never did understand why MS put in those default settings. I guess they're good for getting that first demo app up and running, but past that they're just a nuisance.
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