Uploading Images

Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by davamon, Nov 24, 2007.

  1. I've adopted a site - I may be in over my head.

    The way the site was built, when uploading images, they're supposed to go to:

    Connect= 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=e:\web\imagestoart\htdocs\_database\orders.mdb'

    I get en error message that this is not a valid path.

    Viewing the ftp site, I see no drive designation. Please direct me to how that path got created....

    After this, I may need help making sure the paypal link works.

    Thank you....

  2. I took a quick look at your site, nifty. [​IMG]
    For a long time now I've done the same sort of thing with photos, enjoyable indeed.

    Can you give me a little information about the coding languages you are using, or plan to use?
    i.e. Classic ASP or the .NET Framework.

    ...Then we can give you some help/pointers.
  3. Mark,

    The site is completely done. Someone else created it. I signed up to make minor changes. That I have a clue about.

    I assume the path was to put art in a place my client can get it so he can do his work.

    If it helps... here is the whole call:
    Set Upload = Server.CreateObject('Persits.Upload')
    Upload.ProgressID = Request.QueryString('PID')
    Upload.SetMaxSize 512000000,true
    count = Upload.Save
    Set File = Upload.Files('Filename')

    If Not File Is Nothing Then

    Connect= 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=e:\web\imagestoart\htdocs\_database\orders.mdb'
    Set rs = Server.CreateObject('adodb.recordset')

    maybe if I took out the drive letter ---

    I truly appreciate any help you can give.


  4. HiDave,
    You did give me enough information to help. [​IMG]

    Try your DB connection string like this instead:

  5. What's the error message that your getting. From glancing through your coding, it looks like your using Persist Upload to save a file in an MS Access database.

  6. Mark,

    didn't work. I'll show you the complete page.. maybe it'll make more sense.


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
    <html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en' lang='en'>
    <title>Images to Art Order Page</title>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css' />
    <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />
    Response.Buffer = True
    Set UploadProgress = Server.CreateObject('Persits.UploadProgress')
    PID = 'PID=' & UploadProgress.CreateProgressID()
    barref = 'framebar.asp?to=10&' & PID
    Canvas8x10ImageOK = 1
    Canvas11x14ImageOK = 1
    NoteCardImageOK = 1
    itemnumber=left(strfilename & ' 1:' & session.sessionid & ' 2:' & hash,127)
    <SCRIPT language='JavaScript' src='ita2.js'></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT language='JavaScript'>
    function ShowProgress()
    strAppVersion = navigator.appVersion;
    if (document.MyForm.Filename.value != '')
    if (strAppVersion.indexOf('MSIE') != -1 && strAppVersion.substr(strAppVersion.indexOf('MSIE')+5,1) > 4)
    winstyle = 'dialogWidth=385px; dialogHeight:140px; center:yes';
    window.showModelessDialog('<% = barref %>&b=IE',null,winstyle);
    window.open('<% = barref %>&b=NN','','width=375,height=115', true);
    return true;

    function Checkbox1_onclick()

    <div id='wrapper'>
    <div id='head'>
    <div id='logo'><a href='/' title='Company name'><span>Images to Art </span></a>
    </div><div id='slogan'><span>Specializing in high quality photo to canvas reproductions, Andy Warhol inspired Pop Art and more!</span></div>
    <div id='toplinks'>
    <li id='tl_home'>
    <a href='/index.html' title='Home'><span>Home</span></a>
    </li><li id='tl_contact'>
    <a href='/contact.html' title='Contact'><span>Contact</span></a>
    </li><li id='tl_privacy'>
    <a href='/privacy.html' title='Privacy'><span>Privacy</span></a>
    </div><div id='body'>
    <div id='visual'><span></span></div>
    <div id='content'>
    <h1 align='center'>Place Order</h1>
    <p>1) Upload image using the Send us your Photo box below2) Select your print size and style3) Add item(s) to cart4) Proceed to Checkout<center>Shipping is free on all orders!</center></b></p>
    <TABLE id='Table2' align='center' cellSpacing='1' cellPadding='1' width='100%' border='1'>
    <TD bgColor='#e5f2ff' colSpan='2'>
    <P align='center'><FONT face='Arial' color='#000000'>Send us your Photo</FONT></P>
    <TD colSpan='2' height='20'><INPUT id='Checkbox1' onClick='return Checkbox1_onclick()' type='checkbox' CHECKED name='Checkbox1'><FONT face='Arial' size='2'>I
    attest that I have the legal right toreproduce the image being uploaded</FONT></TD>
    <FORM id=MyForm name=MyForm onSubmit='return Require(this, 'Filename');' action='canvas-order.asp?<% = PID %>' method=post encType=multipart/form-data>
    <INPUT id='Filename' type='file' size='25' name='Filename'>
    <TD><INPUT id='Submit1' type='submit' value='Upload' name='Submit1'>

    <%if request('PID')<> '' then%>

    Set Upload = Server.CreateObject('Persits.Upload')
    Upload.ProgressID = Request.QueryString('PID')
    Upload.SetMaxSize 512000000,true
    count = Upload.Save
    Set File = Upload.Files('Filename')

    If Not File Is Nothing Then

    Connect = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=' & Server.MapPath('/_database/orders.mdb')
    Set rs = Server.CreateObject('adodb.recordset')

    Hash = File.MD5Hash
    rs.Open 'Images', Connect, 2, 3
    rs('image_blob').value = File.Binary
    strfilename = file.filename
    strfilesize = File.Size
    strfiletype = file.imagetype
    if right(strfilename,3) = 'tif' or right(strfilename, 4) = 'tiff' then strfiletype = 'TIF'
    if strfiletype = 'UNKNOWN' then
    'rs('image_blob') = File.Binary
    NoteCardImageOK = 1
    Canvas8x10ImageOK = 1
    Canvas11x14ImageOK = 1
    Set jpeg = Server.CreateObject('Persits.Jpeg')
    jpeg.OpenBinary( File.Binary )

    if jpeg.height > jpeg.width then
    jpeg.width = jpeg.width/(max/200)
    max = jpeg.width
    jpeg.height = jpeg.height /(max/200)
    end if
    if owidth > oheight then
    if owidth >= 780 and oheight >= 568 then NoteCardImageOK = 1
    if owidth >= 900 and oheight >= 720 then Canvas8x10ImageOK = 1
    if owidth >= 1260 and oheight >= 990 then Canvas11x14ImageOK = 1
    if owidth >= 568 and oheight >= 780 then NoteCardImageOK = 1
    if owidth >= 720 and oheight >= 900 then Canvas8x10ImageOK = 1
    if owidth >= 990 and oheight >= 1260 then Canvas11x14ImageOK = 1
    end if

    rs('ThumbBlob').Value = Jpeg.Binary
    end if
    rs('filename') = strfilename
    rs('filesize') = strfilesize
    rs('hash') = Hash
    rs('description') = session.SessionID
    set rs=nothing
    'Response.Write '' & n & ' file(s) have been uploaded. ' & Upload.TotalBytes & ' bytes were transferred in ' & Upload.TotalSeconds & ' sec.<P>'

    Function IIf(condition,value1,value2)
    If condition Then IIf = value1 Else IIf = value2
    End Function
    <TABLE id='Table7' align='center' height='200' cellSpacing='0' cellPadding='3' width='100%' border='1'>
    <TH align='center' width='150' height='200' rowSpan='4'>
    <%response.write '<IMG SRC='showimage.asp' width=' & nwidth & ' height=' & nheight & ' ALIGN='center' BORDER='0'>'%>
    <TD><FONT face='Arial' size='2'>Filename:
    <% = Server.HTMLEncode(strFilename) %>
    <TD><FONT face='Arial' size='2'>Siz

    <% = File.OriginalSize %>
    <TD><FONT face='Arial' size='2'>Dimensions:
    <%=iif(ImageTypeUnknown=1,'Unknown due to file type',owidth & ' x ' & oheight )%>
    end if
    set jpeg=nothing
    set file=nothing
    set upload=nothing
    end if
    <TABLE id='Table3' cellSpacing='5' cellPadding='0' width='100%' align='center' border='0'>
    <form id=Form3 name=CanvasForm onSubmit='this.target = 'paypal';return ValidateSize(this,<%=NotecardImageOK%>, <%=Canvas8x10ImageOK%>, <%=Canvas11x14ImageOK%>);ReadForm (this);' action=https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr method=post>
    <input id='Hidden70' type='hidden' value='_cart' name='cmd'> <input id='Hidden71' type='hidden' value='1' name='add'>
    <input id='Hidden72' type='hidden' value='[email protected]' name='business'>
    <input id='Hidden73' type='hidden' name='item_name'>
    <%itemnumber=left(strfilename & ' 1:' & session.sessionid & ' 2:' & hash,127)%>
    <input id=Hidden74 type=hidden value='<%=itemnumber%>' name=item_number> <input id='Hidden75' type='hidden' name='amount'>
    <input id='Hidden76' type='hidden' value='USD' name='currency_code'> <input id='Hidden77' type='hidden' value='/newhome/template/orderconfirm.asp'
    name='return'> <input id='Hidden78' type='hidden' value='Additional Instructions' name='cn'>
    <input id='Hidden79' type='hidden' value='US' name='lc'> <input id='Hidden80' type='hidden' value='2' name='no_shipping'>
    <input id='Hidden81' type='hidden' value='85.00' name='baseamt'> <input id='Hidden82' type='hidden' value='Canvas Print' name='basedes'>
    <input id='Hidden83' type='hidden' name='on0'> <input id='Hidden84' type='hidden' name='os0'>
    <input id='Hidden85' type='hidden' name='on1'> <input id='Hidden86' type='hidden' name='os1'>
    <input id='Hidden87' type='hidden' value='Color' name='baseon0'> <input id='Hidden88' type='hidden' name='baseos0'>
    <input id='Hidden89' type='hidden' value='Style' name='baseon1'> <input id='Hidden90' type='hidden' name='baseos1'>
    <input id='Hidden91' type='hidden' name='baseitn'>
    <TABLE id='Table13' height='142' cellSpacing='1' cellPadding='1' width='100%' border='1'>
    <TD align='center' bgColor='#e5f2ff' colSpan='3'><FONT face='Arial' color='#000000'> Prints - Select STYLE for Artistic Effects</FONT></TD>
    <TD vAlign='middle' align='center' colSpan='1' rowSpan='6'><IMG height='120' alt='' src='/images/canvas1_small.jpg' width='81' align='middle' border='0'></TD>
    <TD bgColor='#d9ecff'>Size</TD>
    <TD><select id='Select9' onChange=' ReadForm (this.form);'>
    <OPTION value='11x14 #11x14 @70'>11' x 14' ($70)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='16x20 #16x20 @85' selected>16' x 20'&nbsp($85)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='16x24 #16x24 @90'>16' x 24'($90)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='20x24 #20x24 @100'>20' x 24'($100)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='24x36 #24x36 @135'>24' x 36'($135)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='30x40 #30x40 @185'>30' x 40'($185)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='36x48 #36x48 @235'>36' x 48'($235)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='40x50 #40x50 @290'>40' x 50'($290)</OPTION>
    <TD bgColor='#d9ecff'>Style</TD>
    <TD noWrap><select id='Select8' name='Style_1b' onChange='ReadForm (this.form);' >
    <OPTION value='No Artistic Designs' selected>Photo to Canvas</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='Hand Tint +50'>Hand Tint(+$50)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='Sketch +50'>Sketch(+$50)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='Painted +50'>Painted(+$50)</OPTION>

    <TD bgColor='#d9ecff' width='20'>Color</TD>
    <SELECT id='Select6' onChange=' ReadForm (this.form);' name='color_2b'>
    <OPTION value='Color' selected>Color</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='B&amp;W +10.00'>B&amp;W(+$10)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='Sepia +10.00'>Sepia(+$10)</OPTION>
    <TD bgColor='#d9ecff'>Price</TD>
    <TD><input class='nbor' id='Text4' type='text' size='8' value='$85.00' name='tot'></TD>

    <TD colSpan='3'>
    <TABLE id='Table14' height='36' cellSpacing='2' cellPadding='2' width='71' align='right'
    <TD align='right'><INPUT id='Image7' onClick='document.forms.viewcart.target = 'paypal'; document.forms.viewcart.submit (); return false;'
    type='image' alt='view cart' src='images/viewcart.gif' align='right' name='cartview'></TD>
    <TD align='left' colSpan='2'><INPUT id='Image8' type='image' alt='add item' src='images/addcart.gif' align='left' name='submit'></TD>
    <TD align='left'>
    <form id='Form1' name=PopForm onSubmit='this.target = 'paypal';return ValidateSize(this,<%=NotecardImageOK%>, <%=Canvas8x10ImageOK%>, <%=Canvas11x14ImageOK%>);ReadForm (this);' action=https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr method=post>
    <input id='Hidden1' type='hidden' value='_cart' name='cmd'> <input id='Hidden2' type='hidden' value='1' name='add'>
    <input id='Hidden3' type='hidden' value='[email protected]' name='business'>
    <input id='Hidden4' type='hidden' name='item_name'>
    <input id='Hidden5' type='hidden' value=<%=itemnumber%> name='item_number'>
    <input id='Hidden6' type='hidden' name='amount'>
    <input id='Hidden7' type='hidden' value='USD' name='currency_code'> <input id='Hidden8' type='hidden' value='/newhome/template/orderconfirm.asp' name='return'>
    <input id='Hidden9' type='hidden' value='Additional Instructions' name='cn'> <input id='Hidden10' type='hidden' value='US' name='lc'>
    <input id='Hidden11' type='hidden' value='2' name='no_shipping'> <input id='Hidden12' type='hidden' value='295.00' name='baseamt'>
    <input id='Hidden13' type='hidden' value='Pop-Art' name='basedes'> <input id='Hidden14' type='hidden' name='on0'>
    <input id='Hidden15' type='hidden' name='os0'> <input id='Hidden16' type='hidden' name='on1'>
    <input id='Hidden17' type='hidden' name='os1'> <input id='Hidden18' type='hidden' value='Mount' name='baseon0'>
    <input id='Hidden21' type='hidden' name='baseos0'> <input id='Hidden22' type='hidden' value='Subjects' name='baseon1'>
    <input id='Hidden30' type='hidden' name='baseos1'> <input id='Hidden47' type='hidden' name='baseitn'>
    <TABLE id='Table9' height='142' cellSpacing='1' cellPadding='1' border='1'>
    <TD align='center' bgColor='#e5f2ff' colSpan='3'><FONT face='Arial' color='#000000'>Pop Art</FONT></TD>
    <TD vAlign='top' align='center' colSpan='1' rowSpan='7'><IMG height='80' alt='' src='/images/4_POP_square_small.jpg'
    width='80' align='middle' border='0'> </TD>
    <TD bgColor='#d9ecff'>Size</TD>
    <TD><select id='Select3' onChange=' ReadForm (this.form);' name='Size'>
    <OPTION value='badsize'>- 1 or 4 Panel -</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='20x20 #20x20 @295' selected>20' x 20'($295)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='20x24 #20x24 @305'>20' x 24'($305)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='24x24 #24x24 @330'>24' x 24'($330)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='24x36 #24x36 @355'>24' x 36'($355)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='36x36 #36x36 @395'>36' x 36'($395)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='40x40 #40x40 @410'>40' x 40'($410)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='36x48 #36x48 @425'>36' x 48'($425)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='40x50 #40x50 @455'>40' x 50'($455)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='badsize'>- 3 Panel Horizontal-</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='10x30 #10x30 @295'>10' x 30'($295)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='12x36 #12x36 @315'>12' x 36'($315)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='16x48 #16x48 @345'>16' x 48'($345)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='badsize'>- 4 Panel Panel Horizontal -</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='10x40 #10x40 @315'>10' x 40'($315)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='12x48 #12x48 @335'>12' x 48'($335)</OPTION>

    <TD bgColor='#d9ecff'>Style</TD>
    <TD><select id='Select2' onChange=' ReadForm (this.form);' name='Style'>
    <OPTION value='1 Panel Pop +0' selected>1 Panel Pop</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='4 Panel Pop +30'>4 Panel Pop(+$30)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='3 Panel Horizontal +0'>3 Panel Horizontal</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='4 Panel Horizonatal +0'>4 Panel Horizontal</OPTION>
    <TD bgColor='#d9ecff'>Subjects</TD>
    <TD><select id='SelectPopFaces' onChange=' ReadForm (this.form);' name='Subjects_2b'>
    <OPTION value='1' selected>1</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='2 +20'>2(+ $20)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='3 +40'>3(+ $40)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='4 +60'>4(+ $60)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='5 +80'>5(+ $80)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='6 +100'>6(+ $100)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='7 +120'>7(+ $120)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='8 +140'>8(+ $140)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value='9 +180'>9(+ $180)</OPTION>
    <TD bgColor='#d9ecff'>Price</TD>
    <TD><input class='nbor' id='Text2' type='text' size='8' value='$295.00' name='tot'></TD>
    <TD colSpan='3'>
    <TABLE id='Table10' height='36' cellSpacing='2' cellPadding='2' width='71' align='right'
    <TD align='right'><INPUT id='Image1' onClick='document.forms.viewcart.target = 'paypal'; document.forms.viewcart.submit (); return false;'
    type='image' alt='view cart' src='images/viewcart.gif' align='right' name='cartview'></TD>
    <TD align='left' colSpan='2'><INPUT id='Image4' type='image' alt='add item' src='images/addcart.gif' align='left' name='submit'></TD>
    You may order by <a href='mailto:[email protected]'>e-mail</a> or <a href='/contact.html'>phone</a> instead. You will receive a digital proof via e-mail before printing. Please feel free to <a href='/contact.html'>contact</a> us if you have any questions regarding the order process.
    <!-- This is the FORM to view the cart contents -->
    <form action='https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' method='post' id='viewcart' name='viewcart'>
    <input type='hidden' name='cmd' value='_cart' ID='Hidden42'> <input type='hidden' name='display' value='1' ID='Hidden43'>
    <input type='hidden' name='business' value='[email protected]' ID='Hidden44'>

    <div id='news'>
    Testimonials </h4>

    <a href='/canvas-testimonials.html'>Testimonial</a></h5>
    <p>'We LOVE our hand-tint canvas, the clarity and color are amazing.'
    - Jami D.<a href='/canvas-testimonials.html'><img src='images/li4.gif' alt='more' />
    </a><a href='/canvas-effects-gallery.html'><img src='images\Canvas-gallery/Image9.150.Box.png' alt='Photo to Canvas' width='150' height='118' border='0' class='displayed'/></a><h5> </p>

    <a href='/canvas-testimonials.html'>Testimonial</a></h5>
    <p>â??I gave this canvas to my sister for her wedding. She said it was the best present and most personal gift she received. You guys were so great to work with. Thanks again!'
    - Robyn K.<a href='/canvas-testimonials.html'><img src='images/li4.gif' alt='more' /></a><a href='/canvas-gallery.html'><img src='images\canvas-gallery/Image8.150.box.png' alt='Photo to Canvas' width='150' height='204' border='0' class='displayed'/></a>
    <hr noshade='noshade' size='1' />

    </div><div id='side'>
    <div id='menu'>

    <a href='/canvas-gallery.html'>Gallery</a>
    <a href='/canvas-gallery.html'>photo to canvas</a>
    <a href='/canvas-effects-gallery.html'>Artistic Effects </a>

    <a href='/canvas-pop-art-gallery.html'>Pop Art</a>
    </li> </ul>
    <a href='/canvas-order.asp'>Order</a>
    <a href='/canvas-order.asp'>Place Order </a>

    <a href='/canvas-faq.html'>Info</a>

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    <a href='/canvas-testimonials.html#'>Testimonials</a>

    </div><dl id='ads'>
    <a href='/canvas-pop-art-gallery.html'><img src='images/test.png' alt='Canvas Pop Art' width='110' height='149' border='0' class='displayed' /></a> </dt>
    <table width='100%' border='0'>
    <td width='21%' align='right' valign='middle'><a href='http://www.tbs.com/stories/story/0,,79425,00.html'><img src='images/TBSLogo.png' alt='Photo to Canvas' width='33' height='36' border='0' class='displayed2' /></a></td>
    <td align='left'' width='79%'><a href='http://www.tbs.com/stories/story/0,,79425,00.html'><img src='images/MovieMakeoverLogo.png' align='left' alt='Photo to Canvas' width='81' height='43' border='0' class='displayed2' /></a></td>
    <tr align='center' valign='middle'>
    <td colspan='2' align='left'>Our <a href='/canvas-pop-art-gallery.html'>pop art</a> is featured in a playroom makeover segment from the July 29th episode of <a href='http://www.tbs.com/stories/story/0,,79425,00.html'>Movie and a Makeover</a> on TBS </td>
    <a href='/canvas-gallery.html'><img src='images/canvas-gallery/Image7.150.box.png' alt='Photo to Canvas' class='displayed' /></a>
    Specializing in high quality photo to canvas prints
    <div id='foot'>
    Copyright &copy; 2006 <a href='/'>Images to Art</a>
  7. Hi yall,

    It is possible that the web server is refusing to cooperate for the _database folder because its name begins with _

    I would try moving the database up out of the subfolder and see if it won't work there. Then the path to it would be e:\web\imagestoart\htdocs\somefolder with no _ in the path

    - Pat
  8. No it works fine with both ASP and ASP.NET.
    That's a specific feature created by DASP.
    I've never had any trouble working with data in that folder.
    As an example,my .NET Shoutbox even runs from it:

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