Hello... I have a new app in my Discount asp host. I'm using "IIS URL Rewrite to Hosting multiple domains under one site". So I've added some Rules in the URL Rewrite Module in IIS7 Manager. These rules works perfect. When I type "http://test.mydomain.com/" the browser shows me the app in the folder: \ mydomain \ test \ But I have a problem. The test web app uses "URL Rewriting" via Web.config but it dont works. The test site works perfect in my local enviroment but in discount asp server dont. I'm using the "Approach 3: Using an HttpModule to Perform Extension-Less URL Rewriting with IIS7" from this page: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/02/26/tip-trick-url-rewriting-with-asp-net.aspx. So, what I need to do in the app so the url rewrites in the web.config works? Thanks!