So, Following the instructions on this page, I installed a urlrewrite module. It runs fine on my local dev machine but I couldn't get it to work on I looked around and found some articles that said I needed wildcard mapping to be enabled. I submitted a ticket to enable it, and was told that I could do it myself remotely. I got the IIS 7 manager and I tried playing around with the handlers, but I honestly don't know what I'm doing. If someone can give me a few pointers I would greatly appreciate it!
I solved this problem by adding this to my web.config <modules> <add type='URLRewriter.ModuleRewriter' name='ModuleRewriter'/> </modules> for some reason this was needed with the server and not my localhost. I took out the httpmodule and it worked fine. If someone has an explanation, I would appreciate it for future reference =)
Most likely your live site is on IIS7 and your dev machine is using a version of IIS6 in XP. Httpmodule with IIS7 integrated mode no longer works. Aristotle DiscountASP.NET www.DiscountASP.NET