URL Rewriting. Update Panel not updating

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by byteloser, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. Hi,

    I am using the IIS 7 URL Rewrite function with my ASP.NET 3.5 web application. Everything works fine except of the UpdatePanel. It is not updating after a button click. However, the changes will be written to the database (done in the event handler as well).

    I tried setting the Form.Action = Request.RawUrl without success.

    My Rewrite rule in the web.config looks like this:

    <rule name="Story">
    <match url="(.+)/Story_(.+).aspx"/>
    <action type="Rewrite" url="Story.aspx?id={R:2}"/>

    Does anybody have an idea?

  2. I have a similar problem except it's with one update panel on my site (which has plenty of working update panels).

    It works fine on my dev machine so I'm wondering if there's an issue with the versioning of the URL rewriter on our IIS prod environment.
  3. I found that if I put a forward slash on the end of my URL it works OK. Again, this is something that only happens on the instance of my site on Discount ASP, works as expected on my local machine and test site.

    FYI my version of the Url Rewriter is 7.1.470
  4. mjp


    Thanks for posting that tip.

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