I have my domain with my registrar and not DiscountASP. I have the unique IP add-on. I've added an A record for services to the IP given to me. This works fine. I'm trying to use IIS url rewriting module to rewrite urls from services.mydomain.com/some-file-here to http://myaccount.servername.discountasp.net/folder/some-file-here but I;m having zero luck. IIS doesn't appear to be actually rewriting anything.
Go back thru your steps following these tips by Scott: http://weblogs.asp.net/owscott/arch...-multiple-domains-under-one-site-part-ii.aspx That's a great series, the best I've seen, on using that feature. If you still can't get it working post again.
Thanks for the blog post link but still not quite right. I now get a message saying: There was no channel actively listening at 'http://web712.dotnetplayground.com/ILTV/Hello/name=Josie'. This is often caused by an incorrect address URI. Ensure that the address to which the message is sent matches an address on which a service is listening. I think it is the rewrite portion I have gotten wrong: \ILTV\{R:1}