If you purchased it you should be able to, according to their support section: http://www.dotnetcharting.com/documentation/v4_4/Installation.html
This the procedure for installation from the .NetCharting website: Procedure (Website Version) 1. Unzip distribution 2. Copy / FTP web files to a directory within your web servers root directory 3. Ensure that dotnetCHARTING.dll and your purchase key are located in the /bin directory and that the /bin directory is in the root (top level) of your web site or, if not, that you have created an application for the subdirectory which contains your /bin directory. Note: a key is not required for the trial. /////////////////////////////// Seems i need access to the /bin directory --- do i need to add a /bin to my web site or are they referring to a folder at DASP?? ---Jim
You have full access to that here. The /bin/ folder is used by ASP.NET applications. References that are placed in that location are called via code. Salute, Mark
i cant see the /bin folder in ftp folder view --- i have all the view options setto allow me tosee the system files ... do i have to set those separately to see the /bin folder ... ---jim
If you don't have a remote /bin/ folder your FTP software should create it when you upload the binaries. Select your local files and transfer them, should be able to see them on the remote end after that. Salute, Mark