Using a Mailing List

Discussion in 'ASP.NET WebServices' started by wolfpsy, Mar 22, 2003.

  1. Hello...

    I'm trying to use a mailing list on my board on your system. I can get the .asp script to send email priviews to my account on your system but it does not seem to be forwarding these emails out to the people on the mailing list. Is there any help you can give on this?

    Thanks! user bhefoundati
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    If you receive the email but others don't, it would suggest that the email addresses may be invalid.

    quote:Originally posted by wolfpsy


    I'm trying to use a mailing list on my board on your system. I can get the .asp script to send email priviews to my account on your system but it does not seem to be forwarding these emails out to the people on the mailing list. Is there any help you can give on this?

    Thanks! user bhefoundati
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
  3. Thanks for your reply... I've set the mailing program to mail it to me at another account so to see if it works, but it doesn't. When I loggon to email account to see if it is posted there, it is, but the letter is not sent out to my other account(s) that I've used to subscribe to the mailing list. My thought is that, someone, ASPMail is not sending to these other email addresses correctly. My script says, "letters have been sent" and there's no error that I know of in the script. Still, though, while getting sent to my account on all right, any other email accounts (my other email addresses for testing) are not receiving the message.

    Here is the script I am using:

    <% Option Explicit %>
    <!--#include file="common.asp" -->
    <!--#include file="send_mail_functions_inc.asp" -->
    '** Copyright Notice
    '** Web Wiz Guide - Web Wiz Mailing List
    '** Copyright 2001-2002 Bruce Corkhill All Rights Reserved.
    '** This program is free software; you can modify (at your own risk) any part of it
    '** under the terms of the License that accompanies this software and use it both
    '** privately and commercially.
    '** All copyright notices must remain in tacked in the scripts and the
    '** outputted HTML.
    '** You may use parts of this program in your own private work, but you may NOT
    '** redistribute, repackage, or sell the whole or any part of this program even
    '** if it is modified or reverse engineered in whole or in part without express
    '** permission from the author.
    '** You may not pass the whole or any part of this application off as your own work.
    '** All links to Web Wiz Guide and powered by logo's must remain unchanged and in place
    '** and must remain visible when the pages are viewed unless permission is first granted
    '** by the copyright holder.
    '** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    '** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    '** You should have received a copy of the License along with this program;
    '** if not, write to:- Web Wiz Guide, PO Box 4982, Bournemouth, BH8 8XP, United Kingdom.
    '** No official support is available for this program but you may post support questions at: -
    '** Support questions are NOT answered by e-mail ever!
    '** For correspondence or non support questions contact: -
    '** [email protected]
    '** or at: -
    '** Web Wiz Guide, PO Box 4982, Bournemouth, BH8 8XP, United Kingdom

    'Set the response buffer to false as we may need to puase while the e-mails are being sent
    Response.Buffer = False

    'Set the script timeout to 6 hours incase there are lots of e-mails to send
    Server.ScriptTimeout = 21600

    'Dimension variables
    Dim rsMailList 'Database recordset variable
    Dim strEmailBody 'Holds the body of the e-mail
    Dim strAppendToEmail 'Holds the link to get removed from the mailing list
    Dim strSubject 'Holds the subject of the e-mail
    Dim blnEmailSent 'Set to true if the e-mail has been sent
    Dim blnPreviewEmailSent 'Set to true if a preview e-mail has been sent
    Dim lngNumberOfMembers 'Holds the number of mailing list members
    Dim intEmailSentLoopCounter 'Lopp counter to count the number of e-mails sent

    'Initialise variables
    blnEmailSent = False
    blnPreviewEmailSent = False
    lngNumberOfMembers = 0
    intEmailSentLoopCounter = 0

    'If the session variable is False or does not exsist then redirect the user to the unauthorised user page
    If Session("blnIsUserGood") = False or IsNull(Session("blnIsUserGood")) = True then
    'Redirect to unathorised user page
    End If

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <title>Send E-mail to Mailing List Members</title>

    <!-- The Web Wiz Guide - Web Wiz Mailing List is written and produced by Bruce Corkhill ©2001-2002
    If you want your own ASP Mailing List then goto -->

    <!-- Check the from is filled in correctly before submitting -->
    <script language="JavaScript">
    <!-- Hide from older browsers...

    //Function to check form is filled in correctly before submitting
    function CheckForm() {

    var errorMsg = "";

    //Check for a Subject
    if (document.frmSendmail.subject.value == ""){
    errorMsg += "\n\tE-mail Subject \t- Enter a Subject for the e-mail";

    //Check for the e-mail body
    if (document.frmSendmail.body.value==""){
    errorMsg += "\n\tE-mail Body \t- Enter a Message for the e-mail";

    //If there is aproblem with the form then display an error
    if (errorMsg != ""){
    msg = "_____________________________________________________________\n\n";
    msg += "Your e-mail has not been sent because there are problem(s) with the form.\n";
    msg += "Please correct the problem(s) and re-submit the form.\n";
    msg += "_____________________________________________________________\n\n";
    msg += "The following field(s) need to be corrected: -\n";

    errorMsg += alert(msg + errorMsg + "\n\n");
    return false;

    return true;
    // -->


    <div align="center"><font size="5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Send E-mail to Mailing List Members</font></b> <a href="admin_menu.asp" target="_self">

    Return to the Mailing List menu Menu</a>

    'If the e-mail is to be sent to all members then send it to all the mailing list members
    If Request.Form("Submit") = "Send to All Members" Then

    'Create the email body
    'Read in the body of the e-mail
    strEmailBody = Request.Form("body")
    strSubject = Request.Form("subject")

    'If the e-mail is in HTML format then change the format of the e-mail
    If Request.Form("format") = "HTML" OR Request.Form("format") = "advHTML" Then

    'Replace new lines with HTML new lines if requested
    If Request.Form("format") = "HTML" AND Request.Form("lineBreak") = "true" Then strEmailBody = Replace(strEmailBody, vbCrLf, "
    ", 1, -1, 1)

    'Let the e-mail client know were using HTML
    strEmailBody = "<html>" & strEmailBody
    End If

    'Strip out Norton Internet Security add blocking code that messes up emails
    strEmailBody = Replace(strEmailBody, "<SCRIPT>; </SCRIPT>", "", 1, -1, 1)

    'Create recordset object
    Set rsMailList = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    'Initalise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database
    strSQL = "SELECT tblMailingList.* FROM tblMailingList;"

    'Set the cursor type so we can do a record count
    rsMailList.CursorType = 3

    'Query the database
    rsMailList.Open strSQL, adoCon

    'Get the number of mailing list members
    lngNumberOfMembers = rsMailList.RecordCount

    'Create email object
    Call createMailObject(strMailComponent)

    'Display the HTML for sending the mail
    'Display a message on the screen incase the user thinks nothing is happening and hits refresh sending the e-mail's twice
    Response.Write("<font size=""4"">The e-mail's are being sent</b>
    Do not Hit Refresh or some members will receive the e-mail twice!</font>

    This may take some time depending on the speed of the mail server and how many e-mail's there are to send.

    'Display the number of e-mails sent and how many left to send
    Response.Write("<form name=""frmSent"">There are <input type=""text"" size=""4"" name=""sent"" value=""0""> e-mail's sent out of a total of " & lngNumberOfMembers & "</form>")

    'Loop through the recordset and send the e-mail to everyone in the mailing list
    Do While NOT rsMailList.EOF

    'loop counter to count how many e-mails have been sent
    intEmailSentLoopCounter = intEmailSentLoopCounter + 1

    'Update the text box displaying the number of e-mails sent
    Response.Write(vbCrLf & "<script langauge=""JavaScript"">document.frmSent.sent.value = " & intEmailSentLoopCounter & ";</script>")

    'Write a remove from mailing list message to add to the end of the e-mail in HTML Format
    strAppendToEmail = mailBody(Request.Form("format"), rsmailList("ID_Code"), blnLCode)

    'Send the email
    Call SendMail(rsmailList("Email"), strMailComponent, Request.Form("format"))

    'Move to the next record in the recordset

    'Write a message saying that all the e-mails have been sent
    Response.Write(vbCrLf & "
    <font size=""5"">Your email has now been sent to all the members of your mailing list.</b></font></div>")

    'Drop email component
    Call dropMailObject(strMailComponent)

    'Set up the page response
    blnEmailSent = True

    'Reset server objects
    Set rsMailList = Nothing

    'Else if this is a preview e-mail then send the preview to the web master
    ElseIf Request.Form("Submit") = "Send Preview to Myself" Then

    'Save the e-mail to a session variable so we can read it back
    If Request.Form("format") = "advHTML" Then Session("strMailBody") = Request.Form("body")

    'Read in the body of the e-mail
    strEmailBody = Request.Form("body")
    strSubject = Request.Form("subject")

    'If the e-mail is in HTML format then change the format of the e-mail
    If Request.Form("format") = "HTML" OR Request.Form("format") = "advHTML" Then

    'Replace new lines with HTML new lines if requested
    If Request.Form("format") = "HTML" AND Request.Form("lineBreak") = "true" Then strEmailBody = Replace(strEmailBody, vbCrLf, "
    ", 1, -1, 1)

    'Let the e-mail client know were using HTML
    strEmailBody = "<html>" & strEmailBody
    End If

    'Strip out Norton Internet Security add blocking code that messes up emails
    strEmailBody = Replace(strEmailBody, "<SCRIPT>; </SCRIPT>", "", 1, -1, 1)

    'Create email object
    Call createMailObject(strMailComponent)

    'Write a remove from mailing list message to add to the end of the e-mail in HTML Format
    strAppendToEmail = mailBody(Request.Form("format"), "webmaster0001", blnLCode)

    'Send the email
    Call SendMail(strTestEmailAddress, strMailComponent, Request.Form("format"))

    'Drop email component
    Call dropMailObject(strMailComponent)

    'Set up the page response
    blnPreviewEmailSent = True
    End If

    'Clean up
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set adoCon = Nothing

    'If the e-mail's have not been sent then show the form for the user to fill in
    If NOT blnEmailSent = True Then

    'If a preview of the e-mail has ben sent then tell the user
    If blnPreviewEmailSent = True Then
    Response.Write "
    <font size=""5"">A preview of the e-mail has been sent to yourself.</b></font>

    End If

    'Select which type of form e-mail format to use
    Select Case Request.QueryString("Format")
    Case "advHTML"
    <!-- #include file="advanced_mail_form_inc.asp" -->
    <% Case "HTML" %>
    <!-- #include file="html_mail_form_inc.asp" -->
    <% Case Else %>
    <!-- #include file="plain_mail_form_inc.asp" -->
    End Select
    End If

    <div align="center"> </div>

    quote:Originally posted by bruce

    If you receive the email but others don't, it would suggest that the email addresses may be invalid.

    quote:Originally posted by wolfpsy


    I'm trying to use a mailing list on my board on your system. I can get the .asp script to send email priviews to my account on your system but it does not seem to be forwarding these emails out to the people on the mailing list. Is there any help you can give on this?

    Thanks! user bhefoundati
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
  4. I don't see a from in your var's. If you include a from and the server just "happens" to not allow a domain you are sending to, you will get a system admin message letting you know. Otherwise your messages go visit dorothy in OZ.



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