Using a ReportViewer webpage - mine or DASP's?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by MHCD, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. Greetings everyone.
    I'm having a ReportViewer problem.
    I have my own web page named: ReportViewerPage.aspx
    which uses the reportviewer control and has a code-behind
    file written in C#. No matter what I try it will not run,
    but always blows up with an: "Unhandled Exception" error,
    saying "The specified module was not found".
    But it gives me no information about what module is missing,
    saying this is a "System.FileIOException" error.
    I can't make out anything useful in the stack trace that I get back.
    I am not specifying any external modules anyway--other than the
    Reportviewer itself.
    If I take an alternate approach and "hand off" one of my reports to
    the existing Discount ASP.NET ReportViewer.aspx page, then my
    report *will* run. The server prompts me
    for a username and password for before letting me
    run the report--and this is a nuisance--but, it does run.
    And at this point this is almost an acceptable workaround for me.
    I am at my wit's end and must get something working soon.
    So I am wondering: Do I *have* to use the Discount ASP.NET
    ReportViewer.aspx webpage--is that my only option?--or are
    there still some things that I might try to get
    my own ReportViewer web page up and running? Are other people
    using their own ReportViewer page that they have written, and,
    if so, on which server does it run and how did they get it to work?
    Ultimately I'd like to have my ReportViewerPage.aspx (with C# code-behind)
    running on the DASP rs2k501 server--or is that something that just
    isn't going to happen? Can I only deploy SQL reports onto that
    particular server, or can I place my ReportViewerPage.aspx web page
    over there as well?
    If my questioning seems rather vague, it is because I am more
    interested in understanding the overall concepts of getting one's own
    ReportViewer page running at DASP using the C# code-behind technique.
    I can probably work out the details for myself given a reasonable overview.
    And yes, I have printed and read the prior forum thread that seems
    to cover this topic or something like it. Have been working with
    it for quite a few days now.
    Perhaps my trying to "register the assembly" for the reportviewer
    is what is causing the problem, or perhaps I am trying to run a reportviewer
    control on the rs2k508 server (where my other web pages reside) and this
    is something that is not supported.
    Any tips or hints would be appreciated.
    I have worked with the ReportViewer control before, as I have
    a remote Reportviewer running just fine here at MHCD in our Intranet.
    So I was assuming I could just copy this web page over
    to DASP and that most of it would work in virtually the same manner.
    Michael Hester
    Mental Health Center of Denver
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  3. Bruce,

    Uh, yes, I've been using that post (and associated thread
    in the forum) as my guide all along.

    To assist other customers who may experience this same error message of:
    "The specified module was not found" when trying to run a
    ReportViewer in a web page, I'll elaborate as to what happened.

    I can report that the problem is now fixed, and was due to a
    permissions problem on the DASP servers.

    Out of desperation to try to find a solution or workaround for
    this problem, I did a search using the AltaVista search engine.
    Interestingly, it turned up a post in DASP's very own forum posted
    by customer "DougB" back on May 29, 2007 in the "Database" section of the
    forum. Reading the thread revealed that the problem was
    successfully resolved for DougB when DASP changed a permission
    on a DLL of the ReportViewer.

    Having directed tech support at DASP to re-read the forum posting,
    they corrected the permission(s) (presumably on one or more ReportViewer DLL's),
    and now--at long last--my ReportViewer web page runs properly. Hurray!

    So, I had kept trying alternative code changes when in reality the fix
    was fairly simple but was completely out of my control.

    Might be useful for people to keep in mind that their web pages will
    reside on one server, but their reports will reside on a different
    server--which requires a different username and reportserver path
    as documented in Bruce's post. I did have to use all of the information
    in that post, plus info from another forum thread that explains
    retrieving "MyReportViewerUser", "MyReportViewerPassword", and
    "MyReportViewerDomain" from my web.config file and using them in
    setting credentials.

    I am relieved that the problem is resolved. I can't necessarily
    fault DASP, as the responses from tech support have been prompt,
    and though it may have been a simple permissions problem, I
    assume that there are a large number of report servers there
    at DASP, and it could be easy to overlook permission
    settings on some of them.

    Apparently if your application does not have permission to
    use a module or assembly, the server fibs and says that the
    "module could not be found". If the Microsoft error message had
    said something more like: "access denied", or "insufficient
    permission to use this module" this might have been solved
    about two weeks sooner.

    I hope that this information helps others.

    Michael Hester

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