Using ABCpdf in Codebehind

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by pwrpuf2000, Jan 1, 2007.

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  1. I have successfully set up the sample code for ABCpdf on an aspxpage, and now am trying to place the assembly information in order to use it in Codebehind rather than on the actual aspx page.

    I am having difficulties getting it to work. I have used ABCpdf with ASP pages successfully for some time but the implementation is somewhat different. Any ideas/suggestions would be helpful.


  2. Thanks, but I have set up the assembly information correctly in the web.config and am creating pdf's on the fly including adding images fine while I call and use it from within <script> tags on the aspx page. But I would like to know if it is possible to use it from the codebehind page (aspx.vb) and if so, how to call it.

    On my local machine I can add it in the References of a project then use it, but it does not work when I send it to discount.asp. Any ideas?

  3. Your code should look something like this:

    In you ASPX Page Add :<%@ Assembly name='ABCpdf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a7a0b3f5184f2169' %>
    In your CodeBehind Add: using WebSupergoo.ABCpdf5; (For C#)
    Import WebSupergoo.ABCpdf5; (For VB.NET)


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