Using Blackberry with Email v2.0

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by EYSpeed, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. Hey all -

    Trial and error was the phrase of the day this morning when I got to 9 AM and hadn't gotten any email on my blackberry. I'm hoping that I'm not the only DASP customer using a blackberry to retreive my DASP mail. Anyway, I checked my webmail around 9 AM and realized I had the email stating that I was upgraded to Email v2.0 overnight which obviously killed my blackberry's connection to my DASP mail. Since no kbase articles were provided for on-the-go geeks like me, I just played around until I got it working again. Fortunately, it was easier than I expected it to be.

    Some blackberrys are different so everyone's setting may not exactly match mine, but here is what I ended up using...

    For Advanced Settings under the blackberry email setup, change the mail server to
    turn SSL off (should have already been off)

    This should allow you to send and receive without issue. I was not aware that the blackberry was using imap before, so like I said, trial and error, but I'm just glad it's working now. :)

    I really just wanted to post for two reasons. A) to let others know that Email v2.0 will still work with your blackberry and B) to save other blackberry users a few minutes of trail and error time and ease any concerns for any blackberry users out there that were worried (like i was) about whether or not you'd still be able to get mail after the upgrade.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Glad you got it to work. I didn't know Blackberry supports IMAP. Did you also change the SMTP server?


  3. Nope - the only server info I had to add was the I think the outbound mail is routed through the provider similar to how my Outlook is set up to route through their outbound SMTP server as opposed to full info on the settings screen is as follows (some of which cannot be changed but is likely there just for information's sake).

    General Settings:
    email account:

    Your Name:
    W. Patrick Jones

    see above

    User ID:
    see above


    Auto BCC:
    blank by choice

    Advanced Settings:

    Server Type: IMAP4 (cannot be changed)

    Port: 143 (cannot be manually changed, but does change if SSL is turned on)

    Use SSL:

    Timeout: 30 seconds (cannot be changed)

    Those are the options. I know the options are slightly different based on your model and service provider but hopefully that will help some.

    For reference:
    Provider: Sprint/Nextel (on the Nextel side)
    Model: Blackberry 7520

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  5. For my T-Mobile BlackberryI have to choose between IMAP and POP when setting up an email account. If I accidentally set up as IMAP, I cannot just change it from IMAP back to POP in the settings screen (as you also indicated thatyou can't change it). Ican, however, delete the account and add itagain, this time choosing POP in the beginning.
  6. Good info Mike - thanks!

    Have you found any advantages to one over the other?


  7. mjp


    I would think in most cases IMAP would be preferable on a mobile unit such as a Blackberry, so your email is still available from other locations. Unless you specify that you want to leave the mail on the server, most email clients checking POP will mark downloaded messages as 'read' and they won't be available if you check later, from home or the office, with another client.


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