Using CDO.Message in Javascript

Discussion in 'Classic ASP' started by imchaz, Feb 9, 2009.

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  1. I have this code working in a previous provider but when I migrated it here I get an error. I coded this in Javascript.

    So in the line where it states: objCDOMail.Send();

    I get an error that appears on that asp page:

    CDO.Message.1 error '80040220'
    The 'SendUsing' configuration value is invalid.
    test.asp, line ###

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  3. I found my solution and it worked for me. FYI if anyone is interested.

  4. Bruce,
    Thanks for the reply. I have seen that link, but I dont know how to rewrite this piece properly into Javascript (ASP)

    set objMessage = createobject('cdo.message')
    set objConfig = createobject('cdo.configuration')

    ' Setting the SMTP Server
    Set Flds = objConfig.Fields
    Flds.Item('') = 2
    Flds.Item('') = 'localhost'

    THe code is written in vbscript. I believe if someone could help me how to write it properly, it would solve my problem.
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