Using events with Notification Profiles

Discussion in 'Email' started by mcguiredesi, Aug 28, 2008.

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  1. Just wanted to know if we have the option of using Events with Notification Profiles. I found the setup for NP, but cant find where to configure Events anywhere. Thanks

  2. <STRIKE>I'm looking into this right now.

    They have added an extensive section for the new version that details just about everything.
    A lot of Event properties\methods are shown, didn't see anything for Profiles but did for most everything else.
    Look in Events...Event Categories:

    Post Edited (wisemx) : 8/28/2008 3:20:04 PM GMT
  3. That is the thing...I do not see Events to the tree to the left. What section is it under?
  4. [-] Events

    [-] Event Categories
  5. What menu is that under? I see nothing that says Events anywhere in my menus. Is it supposed to be located under 'Settings'? The attachment is what I see under settings.



    Attached Files:

    • menu.jpg
      File size:
      26.7 KB
  6. I thought you were asking about the KB pages I linked to above. [​IMG]
    As for events, this is from their help on the new version:

    Manage Events

    The All Events page lists all of your scheduled events and lets you perform many actions, including: editing, deleting, searching, or adding a new event.

    View your Events by clicking on All Events under My Events from the tree view in the sidebar.

    Adding an Event - To add a new event, either select Attach Event from the tree view, or click the New icon from the actions toolbar.

    Edit an Event - Editing an event can be done in three different ways:
    • Select the event that you would like to edit and then click the Edit icon from the actions toolbar, or
    • Move your mouse over the event you want to edit and right-click, then select Edit from the drop down menu, or
    • Double-click the event that you would like to edit

    Deleting an Event - Deleting an event can be done two different ways:
    • Select the event that you would like to delete and then click the Delete icon from the actions toolbar, or
    • Move your mouse over the event you want to delete and right-click, then select Delete from the drop down menu.

    Searching an Event - To search your events, first click the Search icon from the actions toolbar. Another toolbar will appear under the actions tool bar with two boxes to populate. The first box asks for the search criteria that you would like to search for. The second box is a drop down list looking for what fields you want to search through?All Fields, Name, Event Category, Event Type, Conditions, or Actions.
  7. Maybe I am not being clear...

    Where do I find the link to Manage the Events section? I log into my webmail and I do not see anything that shows the Events section. I have been to the following sections:


    Under all these sections, there are no links to the left that show Events.
  8. On the left side column at the very bottom expand the Events section.
    Other than that I don't know. That is however where I am accessing them.
  9. Can you show a screenshot? I do not have what you describe.
  10. Sure...In the attached image the default Settings column to the right, on the leftthe way the Events open.

    Attached Files:

  11. OK. I feel like an ID10T.....Got it thanks.
  12. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    don't feel too bad.. when we first installed this, it took me 2 days to find the damn event tab!


  13. You guys made my day. [​IMG]
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