Using Microsoft SQL SERVER 2005 Management Studio TOOL AS Remotely API

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by falah gate, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. Using Microsoft SQL SERVER 2005 Management Studio TOOL To See DASP SQL Server Properties

    AsI said in my past post in the link

    follow the same proceture to enter SQL APIand go to root node for sql server name it was :

    ( that is know it from all customers
    as connection parameters for our database but when i go to server properties i get response to my requset!!!
    That is OF Course Security Bugs and Gap in SQL Server Settings!!!!!!!!

    the properties including are:
    1- sql server general information
    2- sql server databases properties
    3- sql server physical storge hard disk path
    4- sql server customers's Databases Name with Prefix Name
    like : SQL2005_105453_i4u
    and like :SQL2005_122035_booria

    and more .....we see the same prefix namewith all databases
    5 - sql server memory and I run sql script to change setting memory size i get response for that script

    using this Microsoft as SQL API to see every thing about DASP server

    if any one want these procetures i will send capture images for him

  2. JorgeR

    JorgeR DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Please create a ticket for support regarding your findings. Please understand that been able to see other customers database is not a security breach.




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