Found related info at this thread, but not really what I need.... I am making a page which pulls from the user's browser their preferred language, via the Request.UserLanguages....which returns a two letter code (ex. "en") or detailed code (ex. "en-GB"). I basically get the string of user languages (they are in order of preference) and store them in a string array. Then I use a loop to check if the language code in the first position of the string array is any of the codes for a certain language (another string array hard coded in). Is there a better way to do this? I'm noticing increased load time and am worried additional languages will further slow the page load... Code: if (!IsPostBack) { //Holds possible user languages preferences to check client machine against String[] compJapaneseLang = { "ja-jp","ja","jp","jpn","euc","shift-jis" }; } //Get client machines langugage preferences String[] userLang = Request.UserLanguages; //Loop through variation of preferences from possible user langugaes for (int i = 0; i < compJapaneseLang.Length; i++) { //IF JAPANESE if (userLang.GetValue(0).ToString().ToLowerInvariant().Equals(compJapaneseLang.GetValue(i).ToString().ToLowerInvariant())) cc.JapeneseObject(); }