Using Web Service from hosted ASPX page

Discussion in 'Control Panel API' started by willwork4dsl, Dec 17, 2006.

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  1. Hey guys,

    First off, thanks for creating the web service. Things like this are why I keep my hosting with you guys!

    So my question is this: I built a ASPX page to use the web service and to create email forwards for me, but am getting the Access Denied error message. I know I'm supposed to add my IP address to the whitelist, but I can't seem to find the correct serverIP to add.

    Can you assist?
  2. You coulld find your IP just below the 'IP whitelist textbox' .Dont forget to update the whitelist everytime you add a new IP to it.

    You can also get to know your public IP here :


  3. Thanks for the reply.

    I tried that, but I believe it requires the IP address of where the code is executing from, i.e. the web server in this case.

    Any other ideas?
  4. You can create a ticket to DASP support.They will provide you with your web server IP.


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