I recently created a website that looks fine when I preview it on various browsers (from FrontPage 2003). However when my daughter views the website on her MAC, some of the page elements are slightly askew. Is there anything I can do to fix this for MAC viewers.
As far as I know Macs view web pages differently, i wouldnt worry about though, there are way more PC users than there are mac users [] If you are worried, I think you can download a tool that is like a Virtual mac to test your web pages with as you design them. Ofcourse, same can be said for Netscape and other browsers. Is she using Internet Explorer on the Mac, or Netscape, or other.
Rory, thanks for the info. I think you're right - I'll pass on the worrying since it was only slightly askew, but I will find out what browser she is using. Incidentally, I had heard of Virtual PC. I'll do a little more research.