
Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by AaronAbbottAssociates, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. Has anyone here gotten the latest build of Vbulletin to run on a discountasp account? Looks like the specs for the build require newer versions of PHP and mysql so I was just curious if anyone has note it with the current sever build? I have a client I can?t migrate off Vbulletin any time soon.</o:p>
  2. I think some of the DASP crew has tested it recently.
    If one of them doesn't chime in open a support ticket and ask. [​IMG]
  3. mjp


    I installed vBulletin 3.6.8 on a standard customer server herea couple of weeks agoand it works fine. As forthe 3.7 betas, I am also testing them, but not on the DASP server. When I get a chance I will try to upgrade my DASP install to 3.7 and see how it goes.

  4. I'm in that same line with you. [​IMG]
  5. Well, it sounds like I should give it a shot then. Thanks! What I really wish there was, is a .net forum out there that was equal in functionality to vbulletin and had an import script to migrate vbulletin data over to it.

  6. mjp


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