Very satisfied with DiscountASP!!!

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by mapick, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. Hi, we are new subscribers and we've justhosted our new technical site here, on DiscountASP,for internet assitence to our customers.

    We planed a couple of weeks to upload and operate our site, but we were wrong...
    it was a matter of aCOUPLE OF HOURS!

    Immediatly account attivation, within a few hours we got SQL add on and connection string,
    a briefforum consultation, SQLattach data filetooland some web.config tunning,minutes to upload and... incredible... it worked! Also users and roles!

    By the way, we are quality assurance consultants and only amateur developers, using VWD and SQL Express...

    [​IMG]Thank's DiscountASP,wemade really a good choice!

    JobAway S.r.l. - Italy
  2. Magnifico! [​IMG]

    I also have a Quality Control background and feel the same. [​IMG]
    (Team leader in Q.C.V. & P. for Ford Motor company and Mazda until 1993.)
    Mark Wisecarver
  3. Hi Mark... my name is Marco and in Italywe follow quality assurance for Daymler ChryslerItaly - Mercedes!

    Ciao e buon lavoro!

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