video streaming

Discussion in 'Visual Studio' started by jleeie, May 14, 2008.

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  1. Hi folks

    I have a website with a video clip. My understnding is that the video clip will be downloaded to the browsers' pc before running. This is time consuming for the user and may prevent them from looking at the clip. The clip is a mixture of tutorial and sales information, so it is important that users watch it.I am told thatvideo streaming will allow the user see and hear the video clip quicker because it buffers a few packets and play them and get more from the server etc. I have created a <div> in the source of my webform and put in the video clip into it.

    Do I needadditional code to enable streaming ? support video streaming ?

    My video clip is a windows media audio/video file.

    Can anyone give me some advice and code as this is all very new to me.

    Thanks in the hope that someone will help.

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I do not believe it is true that the clip will not play until it is completely downloaded.

    Media player will automatically start streaming after it buffers.


  3. I have found that when using a mpg file that Windows Media Player does in fact want to download the whole file before displaying. Is this different for other file formats? If so, what format should I use to induce this streaming?
  4. Hi,
    For the Webcasts I'musing encoded WMV and Silverlight.

    Combination of Camtasia Studio 5, Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft Encoder 2.

    Need any help just let me know.
  5. I decided to use Flash with Progressive Download and have found that it seems to work quite well. I think that the only difference between the Progressive Download approach and true streaming is that when using Progressive Downloadthe video data is stored in the client browser's cache and not deleted unless the user deletes it manually.

    Any other inputto help confirm or deny whether this assumption of mine is correct would be greatly appreciated...and thanks.

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