Chuck -- Thanks for your reply. Yes, I think you're right about FFmpeg. Now I'm looking into using WPF's RenderTargetBitmap, according to this article: Any thoughts on that? Thanks. Polybius
I've been looking and I see quite a few mentions of an open source solution called FFmpeg. Would it be possible for me to use FFmpeg in my DASP website? Thanks in advance. Anythoughts or ideaswill be appreciated. Polybius
ffmpeg - no. This requires command line access. They have other tools though that may do it though. Sorry I cant be of better help. To be honest I think this will be an uphill battle. You are gonna need something that will (or will provide you with a library that will allow you to) open the file, decode some/all/etc portion of the file, to allow you to pull a frame and create an image. Depending on how that is done, there could be a lot of overhead involved. It may be possible, I just think in a shared enviornment it may be tuff. Good luck though. Let us know how it goes.
Hello all, My DASP web application will allow users to upload a.wmv videofile to my Silverlight Streaming account. Then, the app willlet users view the video by clicking on a link. Very nice. Now, my puzzle is this: When a user uploads a .wmv video file, how can I capture the first scene of the video as a thumbnail imageto store in my SQL Server database at DASP (as an image field), so that I can later display the thumbnail (like they do at Any thoughts or ideas will be appreciated. Polybius
Chuck -- Thanks again for your reply. What do you mean by "dedicated solution"? Also I found this link: It seems like this will be a common need (thumbnails like at YouTube)for just about anybody doing an ASP.NET site at DASP that uses Silverlight streaming. It seems like much of the web is quickly moving in that direction (videos in every website, video cameras in every pocket or purse). Do you foresee a way of doing it at DASP? (I.e., making a small thumbnail filefrom avideo fileuploaded toa streaming service like YouTube or Silverlight Streaming)? Thanks. Polybius
This also needs greater access then that of a web application. In fact I really think most of the methods that perform this task would need to. If you notice all the examples are trying to instantiate a mediaplayer object and or need console level access. Thats why I mentioned a dedicated server earlier.
Poly, Sorry to be the one to keep killing the party but WPF is for desktop based applications. Meaning your account obviously doesnt have this level of access. You may need a dedicated solution to perform this task.