Visual Studio Team System Hosting

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by myeager, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. Is there any hosting for Visual Studio Team System? I'd like to put up a Visual Studio Team System site that allows for the collaboration of a large team of developers on a C# development project. Seems like someone should be offering such services.
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  3. I think you're specifically talking about web development. I am asking about the hosting of the SharePoint TFS site connected to a Visual Studio Team Foundation Server so that a globally distributed team of developers can check-in/check-out and build code from whereever they are on the planet. The end product in this case is a robotics application, not a web site.
  4. Got'cha [​IMG]
  5. With a large team of Developers on Shared servers how about faking it with 2-4 DASP servers?
    One or two systems being the Dev boxes then at least one for the testing server, another for redundancy.
    Would take a lot to setup but it could work...Don't you think?
    (That's the wayI've doneteam systems in the past, checking files in and out, only one server being "live".)

    Just tossing some thoughts out...

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