Visual Web Developer Express 2008 - Anyone used?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by mheidemann, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. Has nayone out there created a site using this tool and hosted it with I am trying to set a site up but have had a really difficult time linking up the SQL 2005 option to and and enabling the configuration / web site administration tool.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. Hi,
    Yes. Primarily I use VS2008 Pro on Vistafor the Webcasts I'm creating for DASP.
    I do however use VWD2008 Express on an XP SP2 system for some tests.
    I've recently uninstalled it while the SP1 updates settle down.
    Did you need help with something specific?

    Post Edited (wisemx) : 9/2/2008 5:50:47 PM GMT
  3. Hi,
    I can't get to it today but I will create a Webcast for this.
    (As usual I'm once again working on the copper plumbing in this old house.)

    In one of the Webcasts I've already created you learn how to create your remote membership roles.
    If you want to test locally you can use your local configuration but it can get sticky later.

    What I would recommend you do is use your remote roles even locally.
    All you need to do is modify your root web.config so even the local instance is looking at your remote DB.
    Makes it a lot easier and keeps everything in sync.

    If you need help with the web.config connections settings let me know.
    You can also search the forums as I've posted that example a lot. [​IMG]
  4. Hey Mark, thanks for the reply.

    So I am able to setup and use login controls on a local site without a hitch. My problem is when I add, though new site,my site that is remotly hosted and try to create login pages. The local install lets me go through the ASP.Net Configuration tool to create user names and passwords and they work perfect when authenticating through the local browser. However, when I open a remote site in that I have hosted through, I don't get the menu option for ASP.Net configuration. I am guessing that it is becuase it is a tool that can only be used on the local. But more to my question, how would I use the login tools from VWD? Will I have to learn how to program the controls to point to the SQL datbase on the remote host? I have already added the connection string to my web.config but train came to an abrupt halt after that.

    Are there any steps you can provide? Are there any tutorials around that would show me how to setup VWD 2008 for use with a remote site?

    Any and all help is much appreciated.

  5. Thanks for the webcast whenever you get to that. I might need some help with the webconfig but I guess I will check out what you have and see if I can run from there.

  6. Working on it right now.
    I'll do my best to get it on-line by tomorrow.
  7. Sweet. Thanks.

    I hope the house work went well. I feel your pain. For some reason, the little lady decided that our house needed new light switches and outlets this weekend.[​IMG] I didn't get much else done.
  8. Appreciate the kind words. [​IMG]

    Just finished the Webcast, only thing remaing is to complete the edit, compile and get it on-line.
    First thing in the morning I have a quick task to attend but I should be back around noon.
    I'm guessing if all goes well I'll have this Webcast, and the sample site, on-line around 2PM EST.
    In the Webcast I used a demo DASP IIS6 server, SQL Server 2005 and VWD2008 on XP Pro SP3.

    As for the pipes, man do I dislike working with copper pipe.
    I didn't finish but I did get most of the old valves replaced.
    Problem is they used copper pipe in very well built wood walls.
    Apparently nobody considered what would happen to the valves and junctions 40 years later. [​IMG]
  9. Hey Mark,

    Fantasitc demo. That is exactly what I was looking to do. I was able to use one of your earlier webcasts to install the .NET tables and procedures and then use the most current to finish the rest. I really do appreciate your help in this!
    And thanks much for pointing out the learning section of You are correct in that it is a candy store for learning this stuff. I have become Augustus Gloop.

    Thanks Again!! I hope to be able to return the favor and or pass this info on to the next person.

  10. Took a few hours longer than I anticapated but the Webcast is on-line now.

    Videos #10 and #11.
    (Video #11 is a Silverlight Streaming version of #10, same Video.)

    On the page for Video #10 I also included the code for the site created in VWD2008 in the Video.

    To illustrate the power of VWD2008 I didn't add any code or formatting to the default page.
    The only changes I added by hand, shown in the Video, was to the web.config
    Refer to the included code for that web.config if needed.

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